Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


 Week 2

Edward V (Foundation)  For showing our school value of respect. Well done Eddy on always using whole body listening, and raising your hand to share you are a role model for your friends.

Skye (12A) For making a fantastic start to Year 1! You try your best at everything you do and always put in 100%. You show kindness to your classmates and help those in need. You are a superstar!

Charlotte (12B) For Praising others during class time and making sure everyone has a friend to play with during play times.

Jackson (34A) For a great start to the year. We have been so pleased with the effort Jackson has put into his learning and the way he has been striving to achieve his Personal Best. Keep up the great work Jackson. We look forward to hearing you read some more of your latest novel to us.

Camden (34B) For having such a fantastic start to the year! You have come to class each day with positive energy and a readiness to learn. I am so excited to see how you grow and thrive this year. Keep it up legend!

Liam (56A) for being a respectful class member. Liam speaks kindly to his peers and teachers, and actively listens to the ideas and opinions of others. Well done on a great start to Grade 5, Liam!

Heidi (56B) for being inclusive of her peers inside and outside the classroom and for the positivity she brings into the classroom every day!



Week 3

Kiana H (Foundation) For showing our school value of responsibility. You have made a great start to school, looking after your books and being safe around the classroom.

Nathanael (12A) For being a hard working student who puts in an excellent effort when completing your work. Your attentive listening and focus during learning is to be commended. You are a superstar!

Ashton (12B) For always trying your best during class and asking great questions to help your learning!

Jack (34A) Taking pride in the work he produces and using feedback to improve his writing. We are so proud of your efforts Jack!

Harkeerat (34B) Being engaged in learning during class time. You ask insightful questions which have supported your learning. I have been really impressed with the fantastic work you have created this week. Keep it up legend!

Levi (56A) for being an inclusive member of the basketball team. Levi made sure that his team mates felt involved and had a turn shooting the ball. You're are a champ, Levi!

Isabella (56B) for always being such a responsible learner in the classroom! Issy asks for assistance when needed, is an attentive listener and is a hardworking student!