Community news

Visit from ANU Canberra | Tuesday 5 March
St Virgil's College Open Day | Wednesday 6 March
Tasmania Police | Recruitment info session
If you're considering policing as a career, come along to one of Tasmania Police's recruitment information sessions.
Serving officers will be in attendance to provide information and answer questions about the recruitment process, life at the Academy and policing as a career.
You will be encouraged to participate in a recruitment fitness test to gauge your level of fitness, receive advice on using the current techniques to complete the test safely, in addition to advice on how to give yourself the best chance to pass the test.
Find out more at
Theatre Royal Future Stages | Years 10-12
Clarence Football Club | Auskick 2024
Life to the Full (Youth) Conference | Friday 26 April – Sunday 28 April
Youth Makers Market stalls | Applications open
Surfgroms | Term 1 programs
Cosmic Dance Teen dance classes
International Day of People with Disability | Hobart