Take note

Kinder 2025 enrolments
St Mary's College is currently accepting applications for Kinder 2025. Applications close Friday 10 May 2024 and can be submitted online via the College website here. Please note, this includes applications for siblings of current SMC students.
For any enrolment enquiries, please contact our Enrolment Officer, Nicole Wighton at enrol@smc.tas.edu.au or (03) 6108 2560.
Open Morning
Prospective families interested in enrolling their child in Kinder are warmly invited to attend our Kinder Open Morning, which will be held at the College on Wednesday 10 April from 9.00am to 10.30am.
If you have friends or family interested in learning more about our Kinder program, please forward this information on. More details to follow.
We are very excited to announce that our first session of milangkani for 2024 begins next Monday 4 March at St Mary's College.
milangkani is our birth to five program that runs each Monday during term time, from 9.15am to 10.45am in the milangkani room, directly opposite the College Green.
Children from birth to five years (not attending full time school) and their families are very welcome to come along to our program, which offers a variety of play-based activities to engage your child's learning and curiosity in all areas of development.
Registrations can be made online via the link below.
To celebrate the return of milangkani in 2024, we will be offering parents and carers a complimentary barista coffee (or hot chocolate) from Murphy’s Café, located next-door to the milangkani room. Plus, your little one will receive a take-home gift.
Public holiday - Monday 11 March | College closed
Please be reminded that Monday 11 March is a public holiday (Eight Hours Day) and there will be no school on this day. The College will reopen to students and staff on Tuesday 12 March.
VET Careers | Coming up...
Tuesday 5 March – Australian National University representatives to visit St Mary's College Year 11 and 12 students (see Community news for more details).
Friday 8 March – UTAS representatives to speak with SMC students in Years 10, 11 and 12 about applying to Medicine/Dentistry and sitting the UCAT.
Calling all artists!
In celebration of International Women's Day on Friday 8 March, students in Years 7-12 are invited to submit artworks for our IWD Art Competition.
Entries can be in any 2D art medium but must support this year's IWD theme - INSPIRE INCLUSION.
Please refer to the poster below for more details.
Year 6 Canberra Trip
After a five-year break, our Year 6 students are excited to partake in their Canberra trip this year, where they will learn about Australia's capital city and government system.
The trip, which runs from Sunday 7 April to Thursday 11 April, will give students the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia's history, culture, heritage and democracy.
To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school in the amount of $300 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs.
The rebate is paid directly to the College upon completion of the excursion.