Luke Sharp
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 9 and 10 students have had an eventful month enjoying some new opportunities with the Year 10 LifeChanger and mentoring program taking place.
LifeChanger Foundation is a preventative mental health and wellbeing non-profit organization, that empowers young people with the courage to thrive by developing their social, emotional and resilience skills. LifeChanger believes that many of the confronting challenges and alarming statistics that face today's youth are preventable through pre-emptive, early intervention programs that engage with youth, teachers, parents and local mentors. Our students will be taking part in the initial program with the option of continuing to be involved in a mentoring capacity for future sessions.
Our Middle sub school boxing program continues to be a success with students enjoying the physical and mental challenges it provides.
Year 9 students have completed Morrisby Testing to identify interests and career pathways for individuals which allows students to identify their strengths and consider future subjects and pathways. This will lead them into having more understanding on their direction when we undergo careers and subject selections later in the year.
Leadership speeches are taking place over the next two weeks in year level assemblies. Candidates are preparing their speeches and voting will take place shortly for the Year Level Captains and SRC positions across the College. Best of luck to all candidates involved, we look forward to hearing your speeches and seeing what you achieve in the near future.
Congratulations to the Year 9 students selected for the Alpine Leadership Program. The program provides an immersive opportunity for students over a camp in Term two that enables them to grow into better citizens and leaders through increased self-awareness, social engagement, community connection and environmental stewardship. We are sure you will thoroughly enjoy this amazing opportunity and look forward to hearing all about it on your return in Term 3.
The remainder of the term is a busy one with NAPLAN for the Year 9 students in Week 7 and Athletics day coming up in Week 8. We also have Parent Teacher Conferences in the last week of term where students and parents can discuss progress and the achievements of students in all subject areas.