Paul Dawson
2024 Key Dates
11 March | Labour Day Public Holiday |
13 March | College Info/Open Night |
19 March | Athletics Day |
19 March | School Council |
27 March | Parent/Teacher Conferences |
28 March | Last Day of Term |
29 March | Good Friday |
22 April | School Photo Day |
Welcome to the second Newsletter for term 1 2024. It has been a productive term with the selection of the SRC representatives, including the Year-Level Captains. These will be announced at Year Level Assemblies, with all captains receiving an area badge and/or a Year Level Badge if they successfully attain this position. The areas that students can represent are ACADEMIC, SPORTS, CULTURAL and ART.
Congratulations to all successful representatives for taking on this opportunity to grow their leadership.
School Council Elections
This year we had 4 parent, and 3 DE employee vacancies. We also had one student vacancy. All vacancies are for a 2-year appointment (2024 & 2025).
At the close of call for nominations in the Parent Category for School Council there were 4 nominees for the 4 vacancies.
The following parents were therefore elected for a two-year term.
- Mr Dirk Heitmann
- Ms Jasmina Blagojevic
- Mr Terrence Gillard
- Ms Ann-Maree Dillon
At the close of call for nominations in the Department of Education & Training DE&T Category of School Council there were 3 nominees for 3 vacancies.
The following DE&T members were therefore, elected for a two-year term.
- Ms Tonia Tigani
- Mr Thomas Grantham
- Ms Suzanne Henry
At the close of call for nominations in the Student Category of School Council there was 1 nominee for 1 vacancy. The following student, therefore, was elected for a two-year term.
- Mr Paris-Junnoel Mina
Congratulations to the parents, DE members and student member who have joined our School Council and thank you to all for showing interest in school governance. Working together makes a huge difference in improved student outcomes and in students’ lives.
On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank the outgoing council members (parents & staff). Their contribution has been paramount to the life of our College community. Thank you very much.
Parent Teacher Conferences
We encourage all families and students to attend parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday 27 March to discuss student progress. This is a valuable opportunity to meet staff and set goals for the rest of the year. Conferences present a valuable opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teachers and discuss strategies that will help ensure growth in their child’s learning.
Please contact a teacher or a member of the Student Management Team with any questions or concerns regarding your child/student.
School Zone Speed Limits
With the new school year started, it is an opportune time for school communities to be reminded of the importance of road safety around schools.
School Speed Zones are enforced from the commencement of the school year and parents/carers are reminded to adhere to all VicRoads School Speed Zones rules.
Also, parents/guardians are reminded to take care and obey these parking signs and observe the road rules when picking up or dropping off students around schools. The City of Greater Geelong Parking and Information Officers monitor all supervised school crossings on a regular roster and issue infringements to drivers who stop in unsafe areas, such as “No Stopping” zones, within 20 metres of a school crossing, parallel to a yellow edge line, or if double parked, even for a moment to drop off or collect a student.
Queuing to enter a pickup/drop off zone can often lead to traffic congestion with vehicles being stationary in prohibited areas. Should the pickup/drop off zone be occupied with vehicles, to avoid the possibility of receiving an infringement it is advised to drive around the block and return when legal parking is available.
Statistics show that illegal parking around schools is greatly reduced due to an Officer’s presence and Council prefers to achieve these results though education and awareness.
Designated school speed zones: Specified times (8.00 - 9.30 am and 2.30 - 4.00 pm).
Further information in regard to VicRoads speed limits around schools can be found at: VicRoads School Speed Zones
Also, please note that the school car park is out of bounds for all parents/guardians. The car park is only for staff. It is imperative that parents DO NOT enter the carpark during pick up/drop off as they are placing students and staff at grave risk.
I wish to thank all parents/guardians who always adhere to all traffic rules re: school zones and also the school carpark rules. The safety of all children, staff and parents is paramount.