Work Experience

Genni Smith | Work Experience Coordinator

Year 10 Horsham College students, who have completed their Careers Class in Semester 1, have participated in a week of work experience.


In their Careers classes, students planned and organised a week of work experience. They identified a place of interest, discussed their options and then went out to seek some career experience. Students selected from a wide range of wonderful and supportive local employers to have an experience that may help them decide on future career options.


Thank you to our awesome local employers for taking our students and showing them what they do in their workplace, for sharing their stories and giving our students their time and energy. Our students have been inspired, motivated and given insight that always benefits them.


All Year 10 students are expected to complete some work experience. Semester 2 Careers classes are about to begin soon. If you would like to discuss work experience please contact Genni Smith, Work Experience Coordinator for Horsham College.


Work experience is also available for students in Year 11 and Year 12.


Melbourne Work Experience Trip, 2024 – For Year 10 students


Great news. Our Melbourne Work Experience Trip is running in 2024. It will held in the Year 10 Camp Week in Term 3, 22nd – 26th of July.


This will give Year 10 students another option for this Camp week. Students will be able to apply for a week in the Melbourne CBD doing a professional work experience placement. We will have support from the organisation, Boundless, who will assist us with placing students with professional employers in areas such as: law, politics, government departments, architecture, journalism and medical research etc. There is a criteria that students will need to meet to be accepted on this trip regarding behaviour, grades and attendance but the trip will be available to everyone with financial subsidies covering a large portion of the cost of the trip.


Information regarding this trip will be available soon and students are encouraged to see Genni Smith for more information.