Year 11 News

 Tim Pitt & Lauren Thomson | Year 11 Coordinators

Great start to the year.


Well done year 11s to a terrific start to the year. The year 11 team is very impressed with the commitment we’re already seeing toward your goals. The care and collaboration among the year 11s has been fantastic and it’s been great to see you support one another. 


A few reminders:


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by school or any stress, Hamish is available to help you talk through anything you need, even if it’s a quick chat to vent about life or school. Well-being is a core part of your studies, and we have a fantastic well-being team to help you with your needs. Please make the most of it.


The careers team are here for you if you’d like to discuss your pathways. Many of you are expected to change your goals and pathways throughout your VCE/VM journey. If you need to re-evaluate your pathway, please schedule a meeting with the careers team through a direqt message on SEQTA. You can contact Mr Berger or Mr Schulz about a careers meeting.



The Doctors in Schools program is available to all students. You can book an appointment through the Hotdoc app. To book, look for bookings under Lister House, Horsham College, as the location with Dr Shah. If you have any medical concerns or questions, you can make an appointment with Dr Shah. Well-being can help you schedule these appointments. All medical appointments are treated as such and are confidential.


We also have an academic counsellor this year with Mrs Argall. If you need support with things like study habits, time management or even just how to study. Please reach out to the year 11 on how to schedule a meeting with Mrs Argall.



Please make sure you are wearing the correct uniform. If you need support getting uniform, please reach out to well-being.


Guidelines for uniform can be found on the HC website.


Hats are very important during terms 1 and 4 please make sure you have access to a HC hat. You can buy a new one from the front office if you need, they are $20. There are also 2nd hand, washed hats available for students too.


Form Group 

Form group is an essential part of the senior school, all important information is communicated during form group. Missing form group, means missing out on opportunities.


Upcoming dates

28th February  - Study Day.


1st March – VCE creative arts day.


11th March – Labour Day.


20th March – Parent Teacher Interviews.


21st March – Harmony Week Fiesta.


22nd March – Deb Ball.


28th March – Last day of term 1.


15th April – First day of term 2.