Faith Reflection and RE News

Faith Reflection

John 12:20-33 - If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich harvest.



As we move towards the end of Lent, we can see in this week’s reading the author’s shift in focus. Throughout much of the Bible, we listen to Jesus’ parables and miracles, which provide us with lessons that we can live out today. However, this week’s reading gives a glimpse into the events of Holy Week. In this passage, Jesus tells his disciples, “Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified… Unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it only remains a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.” 


As people who are familiar with the Bible, we immediately think about  Jesus’ death and eventual resurrection. However, it is important to remember that for the disciples, these ‘riddles’ would have had very little context. For many of them, they were expecting Jesus to become a soldier-type figure who would overthrow the Romans. At most, perhaps 'strange' reference could have elluded to a willingness from a warrier who is ready to martyr themselves for a greater cause.  However, in this passage, he was explaining that it is only through his eventual death that a ‘rich harvest’ can be made.  Jesus was readying up his disciples to understand that his crucifixion and death would have a purpose that they were not yet aware of.  


It is from here that the stage is now set. Jesus mission is coming to its end and ready for a climatic battle with the authorities. He had taught his disciples all they would need.


The writers of the Bible now moves their attention to Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem and his final conflict with the Roman and Jewish authorities of the time. 


This week, we are called to consider what it means to do things with purpose. Have we done things throughout this Lenten season that have made a tangible difference to others?  This might include giving to chartity, helping the poor or supporting those around us through small acts of kindness. In other words, let's make these last few weeks of Lent count! 


St John Vianney, 


Pray for us


By Jonathan Rooney - Religious Education Leader 

RE News 


Sacrament Dates


As noted in the Principal's page, this week we have a number of our students who will be recieving the Sacrament of Reconcilliation for the first time. It is an important step for these children as they reflect on how they can live the mission of Jesus. We will be keeping them in our prayers and look forward to hearing about their experiences back at school next week. 


First Reconciliation  - Saturday 16th March @ 11.00am 


Confirmation -  Sunday 28th @ 2.00pm 

First Communion -  Saturday 9th November @ 6.00pm 

Sunday 10th November @ 10.00am 

Saturday 16th November @ 6.00pm 

Sunday 17th November @ 10.00am 


Project Compassion


A friendly reminder that St John Vianney's is raising money for project compassion. A HUUUGEE thank you to everyone who has contribued so far. We have raised $265.00 - thank you! 


Please use the link below or use the QR code.