School Advisory Council

Our first SAC meeting took place on Tuesday 5th March after our Parent Information Session on the Stand Up Project which many members of our SAC attended.
The items we discussed at the meeting were:
- St Mark's 50th Anniversary celebrations
- Children's Liturgy - up and running at St Mark's Church on Sunday mornings
- School Master Plan and Toilet Upgrade
- Beginning of the Year Assessment
- Staff Professional Learning about the Science of Reading
- Welcome Picnic
- Open Days
- Child Safe Standard - Standard 1: Culturally safe environments – Establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
- Implementation of the FIRE Carrier Program (Friends Igniting Reconciliation Through Education) in response to Child Safe Standard 1.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 26th March where we will undertake a school tour at 7.00 p.m.