Resource Centre

Library Lovers Display
With the help of students from a variety of Primary School year levels, we have created a Library Lovers display. It consists of students reasoning as to why they loved the MAG Resource Centre.
Have Your Say
There was an issue with our survey in the latest newsletter. Thank you to our community members who raised this.
Thank you for your assistance. This will help build content the Resource Centre content that you would like to see.
New Arrivals - Donations
Earlier this year we had the privilege of receiving donated books from members of our community. These generous donations have been used to update the books in the Resource Centre and to build the Year 2 classroom collections.
Secondary Book Club
We are offering a Secondary book club with a difference this year! The students in this group will be reading books that have been shortlisted for the 2024 CBCA Book Week. They will use a modified version that the judges use for the selection of the winning book.
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday 13 March, where we will decide how the group will be run.
Resource Centre Committee
Over the last fortnight, a communication has been distributed about the different Co-Curricular activities on offer within our school. Included on this flyer was information about the Resource Centre Committee. We welcome anyone from Year 4-12 to join and assist in planning lunchtime activities, events and other events that may arise. We meet at lunchtime every Thursday in the RC2 (computer lab).
Scholastic Book Club
Our first Book Club (Issue 2) of 2024 has arrived and been distributed. Please note, book club orders are closing on Wednesday 15 March. All orders at Moama Anglican Grammar are placed through the loop at or via the LOOP app. Once orders arrive, we will distribute these to your child’s classroom teacher.
Scholastic Book Club is something we run once a Term in Terms 1, 2 & 4. Did you know that every purchase you make through Book Club earns points towards resources for the School? Over the past few years we have used the rewards points to update well loved books, build our book series collections, and purchase resources to support classroom learning.
The Premiers Reading Challenge begins on 26th February and closes on 23rd August!
The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is upon us again. If you want your child to participate in the challenge, please let us know by:
- If your child has participated in the past all you need to do is use the same login details. If you can’t locate your login details, please let Ms. Height know and she will reset the password for you.
- If you child is new to the challenge you can have them join by:
- Contacting the library staff via
- Ask your child to let the library staff know in their library lesson.
- Let your child's teacher know via the school diary and they can pass it onto the library staff.
Once I have received the student passwords, they will be sent home and a copy also placed in your child's diary.
If you want to start locating books for your child(ren) to read for the Challenge, please take time to preview the lists on the website. Please see the PRC website for more details.
Some other important information regarding the Premier’s Reading Challenge includes:
1. You must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge. Please refer to the Booklists page for more information.
Challenge level | Total number of books to be read | Minimum number of PRC books | Maximum number of Personal Choice books | Booklists included as PRC book choices |
K-2 | 30 | 20 | 10 | K-2, 3-4, 5-6 |
3-4 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 3-4, 5-6, 7-9 |
5-6 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 5-6, 7-9 |
7-10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 5-6, 7-9, 9plus |
3-10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | All booklists |
2. Books read after the Challenge closes, can count towards the next year's Challenge.
3. In an approved series on the PRC booklist, you can read any five books as PRC books. You can read up to ten other books from the same series as Personal Choice books.
4. The certificates you can receive for completing the Challenge are:
Year of completing the challenge | Certificate awarded |
First year | Challenge completion certificate |
Second year | Challenge completion certificate |
Third year | Challenge completion certificate |
Fourth year | Gold certificate |
Fifth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Sixth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Seventh year | Platinum certificate |
Eighth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Ninth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Tenth year | Challenge completion certificate |
Only Year 9 and 10 students are eligible.Year 9: Every year from Year 3 to Year 9 inclusive OR Year 10: Seven years completing the Challenge between Year 3 and Year 10 (please see rule 11b below). | PRC medal and Challenge completion certificate |
Upcoming Events
22/05/24 National Simultaneous Storytime (details will be provided at a later date)
Resource Centre - Important details
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.00pm
Borrowing and Returns
Students may borrow and return books before school, at recess, at lunchtime or after school. Primary School students can also borrow books during their fortnightly Library lessons.
Borrowing Permissions
If students wish to borrow books above their age level, we ask that parents write a letter requesting permission for their child to borrow and read a specific book, which will then be reviewed by the Library staff.
Students can re-borrow books for an additional two weeks by speaking to staff at the Library Circulation Desk. If further borrowing is requested, students are required to bring their book with them to allow Library staff to sight the book. In addition, students can renew their book/s by emailing the Library (
If your child would like to borrow a specific book and the title is not included in our current catalogue, we will add this to our purchase wishlist.
Overdue notices
If you receive an overdue notice, there is a chance that the books may been processed through our system after the email was sent, so we encourage all parents to follow up any issues by emailing the Resource Centre at
Reading Permissions:
As our Resource Centre caters for all year levels, we have organised our collection to allow students to locate books that are written with protagonists who are of a similar age to them. For example, for Upper Primary, most of the characters are 11-13 year olds. This way, we can ensure themes and content are appropriate and it allows students to read the books for pleasure independently and with confidence.
When making the decision on where books are placed, we are guided by the author and publisher recommendations.
If students are requesting to borrow books above their age level, we request that parents write a letter or email the library staff to give permission for their child to borrow and read a specific book.
Keep reading everyone!
Ms Height and Ms O’Neill
Resource Centre Team