Co-Curricular at MAG

Equestrian Program Expression of Interest
As part of the amplification of student choice and opportunity in 2024 & beyond, we are exploring the possibility of establishing an Equestrian Program.
If your child is interested in participating in a future Co-Curricular MAG Equestrian Program, please email Miss Briggs. All MAG students from K-12 are welcome!
We will add you to our Equestrian mailing list to keep you up to date on information sessions and other progress.
You could be just like Year 6 student, Skye Starritt (pictured below), representing MAG as a superstar Equestrian rider in the near future!
Interschool Dressage Championships
On Saturday 2 March, Charles and Violet Lew represented MAG at the Interschool Dressage Championships held at Elmore. Both students performed extremely well with Charles winning Reserve Champion in his class. Below you can see the ponies dressed in their MAG 'school uniform' including saddle blankets and browbands.
Students & Cattle Star at Deniliquin Show
Students were rewarded with ribbons galore at the Deniliquin Show last Saturday. For five weeks, students in Years 9-12 Agriculture classes had busily halter trained, washed and clipped dairy heifers at school in preparation for the big day.
Sixteen MAG students converged at the showgrounds early on Saturday morning to wash and feed seventeen head of cattle. Senior students then competed in the Junior Judging, looking very smart in vests sponsored by the Jettner family of Connect Irrigation & Ag. Junior Judging involved assessing four in-milk cows, placing them in a preferred order and commenting on the microphone the reasons why that order was chosen. By winning this competition, Aleisha Moon qualified to be a State Finalist at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, while Fergus McGillivray as Runner Up is an emergency for this prestigious event. The next competition was the Junior Handlers in which the students paraded cattle. Students were judged on their ability to calmly walk and stand their animals. Against some highly experienced competitors, MAG students performed very well due to their diligence when training cattle at school. Finally, the attributes of the cattle themselves were judged as the students led them around the ring. The highlight was Chloe Macknight parading the Supreme Dairy Exhibit – a cow borrowed from the Griffiths family. The Griffiths and Michael families also generously provided other cattle on show day to supplement the heifers that students had trained and prepared at school which were provided by the Smiths.
Thank you to the Deniliquin Show Society and the sponsors for a super day. Thank you to parents for ensuring a very early arrival to the showgrounds and thank you to staff for your support on the day, in particular Mr Macey, Ms Catt and Ms Sweetnam.
Mrs Carolyn Smith
Science & Agriculture teacher
RAS Swimming Carnival
Wednesday was the first of our Interschool Swimming Carnivals with our Primary students making the journey to Wagga Wagga. It was a hot, but thankfully an overcast day. Our students did well, many swimming in a carnival of this size for the first time against schools that are double our size.
A huge thank you to parent volunteers Alina Hawkins and Sally Hillman for assisting Mr McMahon on the day. It was also great to have Jack Hawkins (Year 7 student) assisting the Primary students on the day, ensuring they learnt how to marshall and what was required of them.
Thank you to the parents for getting their students to the bus on time for our early departure and to Mrs Pedrana for attending and supervising the students throughout the day.
BISSA Swimming Carnival
When you hear the day before the event that there will be a swimmer competing at the event who is in the training squad to go to the Paris Olympics, you know the competition is going to be tough! However, when you have the chance to see an elite swimmer, it is an incredible opportunity.
This was also the case when Jack Hawkins swam the 50 metre breaststroke. He won in with a time of 37.75 by two lengths, over some very strong competition - a personal best by two seconds (he is getting closer to his goal of a national qualifier time). Jack also placed in the 200 Individual Medley, Butterfly and Freestyle.
It was great to see the way in which our students conducted and performed on the day. All students, whether they had swam in a competition before or not, tried their best and gave it everything.
Thank you to Libby Hawkins for acting as Team Manager for the day. It was also great to see Year 4 students organising the Secondary students!
There were many highlights and memories created over the two days in Wagga Wagga. Well done to all athletes - your commitment to both carnivals was exceptional and you should all be extremely proud of your efforts.
We are looking forward to announcing the introduction of a Swimming Squad that trains weekly in the not too distant future.. stay tuned!