Primary School

It is great to see the many Registered Parent Volunteers back into the classrooms, working with our staff and students. Research suggests that having parental involvement in schools has many benefits. Collaborative parent-school partnerships are one of the best ways to support children’s learning, development and wellbeing. We know that children whose parents are involved in school:
- perform better at school
- settle better into school programs
- feel valued and important because their parents are taking an interest in their lives
- develop positive social skills by watching parents and school staff interact respectfully
- have better social, physical and emotional wellbeing
At Moama Anglican Grammar, registered volunteers have many opportunities to be involved including morning reading, cooking classes, working in the uniform shop, joining the Parent and Friends Association, assisting with sporting events, co-curricular activities, excursions and incursions. Parents who are involved at school:
- can share their child’s strengths and interests with staff and suggest learning opportunities to build on these
- feel empowered to raise concerns and negotiate solutions with staff
- experience less stress, because they know they can work with staff on concerns about their child’s learning or development
Volunteer Inductions
To become a registered volunteer, the following process must be completed:
1.Complete the 2024 Volunteer Agreement (this form will be electronically available soon)
2.Attend one of the upcoming Volunteer Inductions on:
Tuesday 12 March at 4:00pm (via Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 9465 2584
Passcode: 7MbQha
Wednesday 13 March at 9:00am (via Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 5507 7496
Passcode: 8ST0PV
Further dates will be advertised through our newsletters.
3. Obtain a NSW Working With Children Check (WWCC). The WWCC is a requirement for anyone who works or volunteers in child-related work in NSW. It involves a National Police Check (criminal history record check) and a review of reportable workplace misconduct. The Check is FREE for volunteers and the link below provides further information on how to obtain a WWCC online. A WWCC is valid for 5 years.
Be Rare. Be You. Fundraiser
I would like to thank the school community for supporting the Be Rare. Be You. fundraiser on Thursday 29 February. We raised a total of $836.10 which will support the Fabry Foundation.
Primary Chapel
On Friday 1 March, our Primary school gathered for Chapel. These events provide opportunities for students to value community, celebrate the good in our school and learn lessons from Jesus about the life worth living. As we are in the middle of Lent, this was the focus and we were ably led by our Primary School Leaders, Ruby Law and Hugh Thomson. There was wonderful singing of our new song Jesus strong and kind, led by the students in Year 3 and Mrs Gibbs. The Bible passage was read and we learnt through the story of Jacob that the stairway to heaven and God can show up where we least expect it, reminding us that he is always with us and keeps his promises, especially in Jesus. Our special guests from Year 8 shared details about their Lent project - a food drive to support the work of our local Neighbourhood House. We also shone a light on the gratitude in Year 6 and care and kindness in Year 4. Coming together highlights what is important to us at Moama Anglican Grammar and reforms our hearts to love what is good, which in this case was being thankful!
Primary Parent-Teacher Interviews
It was great to connect with many of our families at the Parent Teacher Interviews this week. These interviews provide a formal opportunity for teachers, parents and carers to discuss student achievement and learning behaviour, share progress and establish future goals in partnership. It also gives teachers the chance to understand a little more about the students in their care whilst at school. With a lens on continuous improvement, we welcome any feedback parents may have to improve this experience. Please email your suggestions to the Primary School Office via email
Year 3 Talking Topics
Year 3 have been working hard on their Talking Topics over the past few weeks. Their focus has been building on their Deep Learning focus of 'Character'.
Their topic:
Teach yourself or learn a new skill from an expert (could be Mum/Dad/Grandparent etc). For example: cooking something, building something, making something or producing something. Something that you haven’t done before but will help you in your life for the future. Describe how you learnt the skill and how it will help you.
We have had lots of new skills demonstrated including (but not limited to) knot tying, baking, 3D printing, CPR and roller skating.
Stage 1 Assembly
Today, Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) held their first Assembly. 2A was hosting the Assembly and the students presented the plants that they are growing in Science. They explained how the different soil type impacts on how the seedlings grow and described all the things that plants need to grow. Mr Moon wanted to climb these beanstalks to get to the golden goose, but the plants were a little bit small for that. We then presented our ‘Stars of the Weeks’ to our worthy winners. There were plenty of smiles and laughter throughout the Assembly.
Stage 2 Assembly
We're delighted to share the highlights of this week's Stage 2 Assembly! Our students showcased exemplary qualities of kindness, compassion, integrity, respect, and responsibility, earning them well-deserved Citizenship Awards as nominated by their peers. Congratulations to Justin, Lilly, Sienna, Stacey, Emily, and Lila for their outstanding contributions to our school community.
In addition to recognising our students' virtues, we also participated in Clean Up Australia Day activities. Together, we scoured the Primary, Middle, and Secondary School areas, collecting rubbish and promoting environmental stewardship. The results were remarkable, with the Primary school emerging as the clear winner in cleanliness.
Thank you to all our students for their commitment to making our school a better place, both through their actions towards others and their dedication to preserving our environment.
Stage 3 Assembly
Stage 3 came together on a beautiful Wednesday morning to share some interesting events that have been occurring in the Year 5/6 area. Led by the Chanter house captains, Sophie and Benji, students highlighted some of the great events that we have already experienced. These included the House Swimming Sports, Grip Leadership, and the James Morrison performance. We chatted about the importance of our uniform, playing downball with agreed expectations and the power of encouraging others with compliments. Well done to all the students that spoke at the assembly.
Message from the office
We are on the lookout for the following items to support Ms McMaster run an Easter camp activity during the Term 1 holidays:
- Paper towel rolls (not toilet rolls)
- Large empty pasta sauce jars
- Milk/juice bottle lids
Students are encouraged to drop any of these items off at the Primary Office. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Room for a Zoom?
If you know of anyone who is currently considering their child’s education and they would like to find out more about Moama Anglican Grammar, please feel free to share the flyer below. We are offering a 30-minute obligation free Zoom information session on Tuesday 19 March and Wednesday 1 May. Topics which will be discussed include curriculum opportunities, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, student wellbeing, enrolment process, fees, key dates and other general information.
Upcoming Events
11/03/24 Labour Day Public Holiday – School closed
13/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
13/03/24 Kinder Parent Reading Information Night @ 6:30 – 7:30pm (Please note change to date)
14/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
15/03/24 Naplan (Year 3 and Year 5 only)
15/03/24 Primary Assembly – Year 6 Year Level Performance
19/03/24 Room for a Zoom
21/03/24 Kinder Parent Reading Workshops @ 9:00am and 3:15pm
25/03/24 Year 6 LifeChanger Program
27/03/24 Easter Service
28/03/24 Primary Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Activities in classrooms
28/03/24 Last Day of Term 1 (2:05 pm dismissal)
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary