Religious Education and Social Justice

Season of Lent

During this season of Lent, it is timely to remember that we are called to focus on becoming closer to Jesus by praying a little more, doing good deeds for others, going without something we like and giving generously to others in need.


Project Compassion donations


Each year we support the work of Caritas Australia Project Compassion. Caritas Australia support people in Australia and around the world. The theme for Project Compassion is For all future generations. The theme reminds us that what we do today can have an impact for all future generations. This message invites us to step up for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival and those whose needs at this time are far beyond ours. By putting compassion into action, we can make a difference today, for all future generations.



Next week donation boxes will be placed in the prayer space in each Learning Community. We encourage children to place some money in the boxes so that by the end of Lent we can donate to Caritas Australia to support the wonderful work they do in caring for people in Australia and other countries.

Social Justice News: Zooper Dooper Fridays

As part of our Social Justice initiatives, we are selling Zooper Doopers on Fridays this term. The money raised will be donated to various charitable organisations this year such as Catholic Mission, Mary MacKillop Foundation and St Vincent de Paul to help support the wonderful work they do in working with people in need.   Zooper Doopers  cost $1.00 each. 

2024 Sacrament dates

For your future planning, the proposed dates for our Sacraments in 2024 are as follows:


Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6): 

Sunday 26th May 11:00 am


Confirmation Formation Evening:

Thursday 2nd May  6:30 pm


Sacrament of the Eucharist (Year 3):

Sunday 2nd June 11:00 am


Eucharist Formation Evening:

Wednesday 8th May 6:30 pm


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 2):

Tuesday 8th October 6:00 pm


Reconciliation Formation Evening:

Wednesday 11th September 6:30 pm


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader