Out and About

Swimming Carnival

The 2024 Swimming Carnival at Waterworld was a resounding success! It was a fantastic day filled with spirited competition and a strong sense of community. After the day kicked off with an official opening, students eagerly dispersed to enjoy the various attractions, including the 50m competitive pool, the 25m 'play pool,' and the thrilling 4-story-high waterslides. Laughter and cheers echoed throughout the venue as students engaged in a plethora of activities. In addition to the pool events, there were entertaining land-based games that added to the carnival atmosphere.

The morning featured a slew of individual events, allowing our talented athletes to showcase their skills in the water. The inclusion of 25m events added a socially competitive element, fostering friendly banter and close races among peers. The novelty team games were a highlight, creating a lively amphitheatre around the shallow pool where villages competed for glory and valuable team points.

The Senior Years Splash Dances dazzled with exceptional performances, and the staff versus student novelty race was a crowd-pleasing spectacle. 


Similar to the Athletics Carnival, we introduced a new All-Star 8 Race, pitting the fastest eight males and eight females against their peers in a thrilling display of speed and skill.

The day reached its climax with the eagerly anticipated Village 4x25m relays, drawing all students to the poolside to cheer on their respective teams. 

Congratulations are in order for Litchfield, who emerged victorious by accumulating the most points and securing the overall prize for the day. 


Below, you'll find the top three winners in each age group, along with the final standings in terms of points.


All Star 8 Female winner – Lilly Kumela

All Star 8 Male winner –  Austin Gillard


Overall Results:



















Individual Results:

7MaleAshton Carr24
 Caleb Smith18
 Patrick Jacobs18
 Ashrith Gandla11
7FemaleIsabella Gosden39
 Mackenzie Dey26
 Sophia Hao20
8MaleJimmy Kumela37
 Aiden Huynh29
 Emir Azeran15
8FemaleScarlett Nuske39
 Nadia Schwartz32
 Hannah Woolford17
9MaleSamuel Vo20
 Advay Juneja10
 Saleem Nejat8
9FemaleMikayla Carr38
 Eliska Wirth34
 Thinara Hatangala27
10FemaleLilly Kumela40
 Alex Fechner35
 Rachel Ratsch30
10MalePhi Nguyen40
 Quintin Phan32
 Arya Gulyani27
11MaleArchie Kretschmer40
 Brendan Leong36
 Nicolas Marafioti24
11FemaleBridget Hansen40
 Kaitlin Houlahan34
 Lily Garrick18
12MaleAustin Gillard40
 Ethan Jusup26
 Jake Thompson21
12FemaleHayley Fechner40
 Hannah Ratsch35
 Dakota McKay26

Overall, it was another successful carnival, marking a fantastic end to the season and setting the stage for a year filled with vibrant Village and community spirit.

Scott Charlton 

Lachlan Williams

Sports Coordinators

Music Camp

The Music Department held their annual Music Camp on Feb 29 - March 1, at West Beach Caravan Park, with rehearsals taking place at Sport SA and Lacrosse SA. Forty-two students from six different ensembles attended the camp, including the Big Band, Funk Band, Rock Band, Year 9 and 10 Bands and Flute Ensemble. Each group made great progress across the two days, with full days of intensive rehearsals and individual practice time. 

On Thursday afternoon students enjoyed free time at the beach and pool, allowing them to build relationships across year levels. Students also took part in a fantastic quiz night brilliantly run by Music Leaders Hayley Fechner and Austin Gillard. We also enjoyed a delicious chicken shop delivery for dinner and some nice bakery lunches. 

A big thanks to our flute teacher Cristy Wilkins, bass teacher Callum Unger and Music teacher Daniel Wooldridge for running rehearsals, and to Director of Senior Years Sharon Ward for staying overnight with us!

Catherine Stanley

Music Learning Leader

Yr 12 Physics Excursion to UniSA

In week 4, Year 12 physics students explored the concept of force and momentum at the University of South Australia. Equipped with air tables and hockey pucks, students meticulously set up collisions and used digital cameras and data logging software to capture each moment. With the support of UniSA staff, our students were able to analyse the motion of the pucks in two dimensions, and ultimately, determine if momentum was conserved during the collision.

This hands-on experience not only reinforced the Year 12s current learning, but also sparked new questions and avenues for exploration as they offered explanations for their results and considered potential sources of error.  The visit was a great success and the class look forward to returning to the UniSA physics labs again in Term 2!

Tracie Whittle

Physics Teacher