Crochet and Yarn With Carts!!


Hi guys! This year, as your school captain, I have decided to start up a crochet and yarn club!

You may be wondering what this club is all about? Basically, this club is about having a great experience with wool craft! Come along and I will help you get started with either learning to crochet, finger knit or knit.  Or if you are already experienced, please feel free to bring along a current project you are working on. It would be inspiring for others to see!

To attend this club, please bring at least one ball of yarn with you. I will provide some crochet hooks and knitting needles, however it would be amazing if you could bring your own from home. 

This club is open to any student from Years 3-6 and it will be held on Mondays at lunchtime in the Senior Art Room from 1.40pm- 2.20pm.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and hope to see you there!!


Kind Regards,

Carter Livera