Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Christina - 3C for demonstrating an incredible level of effort in P.E. Her effort over the course has shown a great improvement in her skills. Keep it up Christina!

Visual Arts - Hafsa 2B Hafsa has shown great focus and pride in art.  She created an amazingly detailed unicorn puppet which was simply fabulous. She exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”.  Congratulations Hafsa!

Performing Arts - Allen 3A for demonstrating tremendous effort and enthusiasm in her dance rehearsals for the school concert. Well done for displaying integrity and collaboration in Performing Arts.

Chinese - Saanjh 1B for her great participation and focus in class. Saanjh keeps demonstrating an incredible level of effort in Chinese. She also behaves perfectly and respectfully towards teacher and her fellow classmates. Well done and keep it up!!!


6A - Lukas for being an outstanding language decoder in your reading groups. Your exceptional explanation skills  truly shine! Keep up the amazing work!         

6B - Elizabeth for showing great persuasive writing by using clear and convincing arguments. Keep up the  awesome work!

6C  Gabi for your excellent understanding of the area model in  mathematics. Well done,  Gabi! Keep shining!


5A - Caleb for consistently focusing on his work during independent learning.

5B - Imogen for being a respectful and caring class member and consistently demonstrating the school values. Well done, Imogen!

5C - Oliver for taking pride in his learning and producing a great plan for his persuasive piece. It has been great to see you set positive examples for others, and continue to have resilience when you find the work challenging. Keep it up :)


4A - Henri for using his class time effectively to complete a School Values poster outlining clear behaviour expectations. His work set a positive example for his peers and reflects our school values in action. Keep it up Henri!

4B - Monica for showing our school value of Respect. Monica, your friends think you are nice and funny and have been an upstander for others at recess and lunch. Keep up the great work!

4C - Nathan for showing our school values of Integrity and Resilience. He attempted all learning tasks to the best of his ability, and always sought feedback and opportunities to improve the quality of his work. Well done, Nathan!


3A - Jaya for showing pride in her learning. She wrote a fantastic recount, ensuring each detail of her work piece was carefully thought out. Jaya strived to include all the necessary features of a recount, and diligently followed the writing process. Well done, Jaya! 

3B - Harper for being an active member of our classroom and exemplifying DPW’s expected behaviour of ’Be a Learner’. It’s amazing to see you consistently putting in lots of effort with your own work, and supporting other students with theirs. Keep it up, Harper!

3C - Diya for being a respectful and caring class member and consistently demonstrating the school values. Well done, Diya!


2A - Zoe for being a role model in the classroom at all times and always putting in 100% effort to all learning tasks. 

2B - Sriram for showing excellent focus and effort in writing. He wrote a clear persuasive text about the harms of litter and showed his ability to use emotive language.

2C - Thahira for the amazing effort she has been putting into her persuasive writing this week. She has done a fantastic job at incorporating persuasive devices to make her writing more convincing and interesting! Well done, Thahira!


1A - Muziwandile for being a learner by consistently displaying whole body listening and focusing on completing learning tasks to the best of his ability. Fantastic effort Muziwandile, keep it up! 

1B -Nicholas  Is awarded student of the week for his fantastic positive attitude during the year 1 dinner. Nicholas participated in dances, games and group conversations. Even when he was nervous to try a new game, he displayed resilience and joined in! I am very proud of you Nicholas. Thankyou for being a great addition to our classroom.


FA - Lata for demonstrating the school value of integrity this week by completing learning tasks to the best of his ability. Keep it up! 

FB - Akshdha for your great narrative this week! 


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

1A - Muziwandile for being a learner by consistently displaying whole body listening and focusing on completing learning tasks to the best of his ability. Fantastic effort Muziwandile, keep it up! 


Upper primary: 

4A - Henri for using his class time effectively to complete a School Values poster outlining clear behaviour expectations. His work set a positive example for his peers and reflects our school values in action. Keep it up Henri!