Year 3 Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Another week has passed and the end of the year is creeping up on us far too quickly. So much still left to enjoy and celebrate.
This week in:
Our Science of Reading focus has been on adding the suffixes ‘ly’ and ‘less’ to base words. We have been busy revising the 5 jobs of Silent Final E. Our comprehension focus has been revising ‘Making Predictions.
Our genre focus this term is Information Text. Students have completed their research on location, history and landmarks of a country of their choice and have begun writing up the draft of their Information Report.
We explored fractions of shapes and collections. Students have looked at what happens when we halve a fraction - the denominator doubles! They have also created posters on fractions of their choice that had them identifying equivalent fractions, and smaller and larger fractions.
Our inquiry unit is well underway. So far we have explored Australian celebrations and the Italian Carnevale festival. Over the next few weeks we will be learning about some of the famous Festivals & Celebrations from around the world (Diwali, Abu Simbel, Chinese New Year, etc.) This will be done rotation style with students having the opportunity to visit other Year 3 teachers and classrooms.
Important Information
Oral Presentation
This term the students will be completing an Oral Presentation linked to our Inquiry topic - Festivals & Celebrations.
We have spoken about this in detail, and have encouraged the students to get a start on it as soon as possible. The due date of this assignment is
Monday 24th November and the outline of the task is available on Google Classroom.
We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home that needs to be logged into their diaries each night.
We will also be setting 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons.
We kindly ask that you email your class teacher, or send a note, if your child is unable to complete their homework by Friday morning.
Hats, Sunscreen & Water Bottles
Term Four is a ‘No Hat, No Play’ term.
Sunscreen needs to be applied before school. Students can reapply their own or use our class sunscreen before going out to lunch.
Drink Bottles - please make sure your child has a drink bottle filled with water.
What’s coming up:
- Professional Practice Day (Student Free) : Monday 20th November
- Camp: Wednesday December 4 - Friday December 6
- Swimming: Weeks 8-10 (dates TBC)
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 3 Team