Year 1 Newsletter
LLLL: We have been very busy learning about all the different combinations that make the sound ‘o’; o-e oe oa o ow ou! Ask us why the o is jumping over the consonant in the split diagraph o-e
READING: We are continuing to apply all our code knowledge when reading to help decode unknown words. We are using the skill of prediction using known clues such as the front cover, a part of a story or clues in pictures to predict what may happen next.
WRITING: We have continued with our Procedural Text focus where we have focussed on the language required to write a procedure, first, then, next and finally. We have investigated verbs that are required to give information about what do do in the procedure ie stirring, mixing, chopping
MATHS: Investigating financial situations that require money. Adding up how much is required to purchase something and subtracting that amount from a value to give change-we have had lots of fun!
INQUIRY: We are learning Why is Country/Place important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People?
What's On
Friday 1 November - Disco Day - free dress. See Compass for details.
Monday 4 November - Professional Practice Day - Student free day
Tuesday 5 November
Melbourne Cup Day - Public Holiday
Monday 11th November-Remembrance Day
18th-29th November-Family Traditions Presentations
Wednesday 11th December-PFA Christmas Carol Sing a long
From the 18th-29th November our Family Traditions Presentations will take place. Some additional ideas that we have had in the past include baking something special for Christmas, with Grandparents or a celebration. A special place you like to visit (could be a Saturday morning cafe) or a holiday place.