Sports Information

Katie Goddard - Sports Coordinator



All the best to our PP6 relay team that will travel to Homebush next week to run in the Small Schools Relay  for schools under 24 children. They will continue to train each day in the lead up to the event at school.  Congratulations to Emily, Ivy, Aiden and Grace for making it this far in the competition and we'll be cheering for you all on Thursday.











This term all students will be attending the Boggabri Swimming Pool to participate in swimming skills with qualified swimming instructors, Maxine Keillor and Louise Shanley from Gunnedah.  This has been made possible thanks to the Sporting Schools Government Grants that we were fortunate to receive. 

The swimming sessions will take place every day from Monday 25th November to Friday 29th November (Week 7) 12:30pm ~ 1:30pm. A Compass Event will be added in the next couple of weeks. As always please ensure that you have given permission and made payment for your child by the due date so that they don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity. 


Mrs Katie Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator