Junior School News

Prep J | 1/2 R | 1/2 D | 1/2 MC |
PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Thursday | PE - Thursday Class Sport - Friday |
Brainstorm Productions Incursion:
This Friday, Brainstorm Productions are visiting the Prep, 1 and 2 students. They are a 'theatre in education' program which uses storytelling, music, movement and positive young role models to empower students with practical social and emotional skills.
Term 4 Swimming program:
In Week 9 (December 2nd-6th) OLGC will partake in our annual swimming program. Although this seems far away, it will be here in no time so it is really important that students are prepared. Please set your child up for success by helping them practice getting dressed into their swimming gear, back out of it and into their school uniform INDEPENDENTLY. They will be required to do this the entire week. Please also ensure ALL items are labelled clearly with your childs name. As you can imagine, there will be lots of different pieces of clothing everywhere and we want to make this experience as smooth and stress free as possible for our students. Thank you with your support in this.
Museum Excursion:
Last week, the 1/2 students were lucky enough to attend an excursion at the Melbourne Museum! We explored all of the different exhibits and learnt a lot about history.
Exciting visitors:
Rumi from Prep J had some special guests that he brought in to visit the junior school, baby chicks!! The students were so excited to learn about when the chicks hatched and to have a hold! Thankyou to the Vidot family for taking the time to come in and share this with us 🐣
Parent - Teacher Communication
1/2 R- irachele@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 D- doconhurir@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
1/2 MC- fclifford@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Monday & Tuesday) gmontalto@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Prep J- bjackson@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au