Student Wellbeing

Stay Safe | Try Your Best | Act Responsibly | Respect Others

Grandparents Day Monday

Monday 28/10, 9:00am - 11:00am

All Holy Spirit Grandparents and special persons are invited to our annual Grandparent's Day.


Please see the information links below for detailed information.


Please ensure all families complete the RSVP form indicating numbers so we can cater for space to ensure our grandparents and students are comfortable.


SRC Update

Our SRC students have begun the challenge of gathering student voice for our next school improvement for students. This will come to a head shortly with deciding on what project we would like to commence, along with some fundraising and then project completion. Please be on the lookout for the student voice project fundraiser starting soon.


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Have a great fortnight

Ben Lannen

Wellbeing and Maths Leader