Spotlight on Early Years

Swimming Program
Our Early Years students made a big splash during Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 4 as they participated in the swimming program! The children practiced a range of important swimming skills, from floating and kicking to improving their stroke technique. They also participated in a special Water Safety Day, where they learned how to stay safe in and around the water, reinforcing the critical importance of water awareness.
The highlight for many was the Fun Day in the wave pool, where students enjoyed a well-earned play session, developing their confidence in the water while having lots of fun!
It was wonderful to see the students demonstrating excellent listening skills throughout the sessions. They also showed growing independence, organising their belongings and taking responsibility for their swimming gear each day. Well done, Early Years students!
Angelique Meyer‑Du Bruyn
Assistant Head of Primary
Woodworking Incursion
The Early Years had a wonderful time constructing ‘Solar Aeroplanes’ at their woodworking incursion. Students learnt some new skills including how to use a hammer safely, hammer in a nail correctly and remove a nail with a pair of pliers.
Please check out the photos below:
Kim Nel
Grade 1 Teacher
Grade 2 Food Drive Initiative
During our discussions surrounding the Synergy Value ‘initiative’, the Grade 2 students heard about a school in America that collected tinned goods to be donated to their local food bank. The students were eager for us to be able to do something similar as a class. As a result, we partnered with Compass Community Care to whom we made a donation.
Compass Community Care aims to provide practical support to families and individuals facing hardship through complimentary food and care parcels containing pantry staples.
Students designed labels for their tin, making sure to include an encouraging Bible verse for the recipients of their donations.
Megan Rose
Grade 2 Teacher