From the Head of College Operations' Desk

Anyone else in a spin? It’s that time of year when I’m constantly looking back, looking forward, and making sure I don’t miss the current moments.
Looking Back: After many years of leading the Year 10 Mission trip, it was a delight to see Mr Goode step into the lead role and build on the foundations set. Adding to the trip amongst other things were: an optional 6.15am Bible study (where always a handful turned up and sometimes me too); morning and evening team times for goal setting and commendations; and raising the value of speaking honour over leaders, outreach hosts, each other and even over the King of Yarrabah.
Looking Forward: With the rare feat of every student in Year 10 attending the trip, with the way they articulated their faith, showed hunger for more and their desire to live lovingly towards each other and their outreach communities, I am SO excited about what God has in store for the world through the influence of these students, including as they lead - along with the current Year 11s – during their VCE Years at Christway.
Looking Back: Last week, our bands and ensembles put on a marvellous concert, and I was so proud of the unity and the progress they have shown through the year(s). Thank you to all our music staff, Mrs Fairweather’s coordination and especially Mr Oppy as the key band leader.
Looking Forward: Ruth Barry, our new Head of Music, starting 2025 was introduced at the concert. Building upon the current successes, with Ruth’s experience and the passion that she will bring, I’m keen for what the future music program will become.
Looking Back: The Grades 3 and 4 students have just returned from their memorable camp. Last week was also a big week for our Year 12s: Final classes of their schooling; a Fun Day; a last assembly and their Valedictory dinner. What a wonderful evening, with our graduates all dressed the part, very much looking like young men and women with something to celebrate and be proud of. For each student, a staff member got to share some reflections, encouragements, and a Bible verse they felt God had placed on their heart for the student. We are so proud of our Year 12s, of who they are, and not just the results they will achieve. The end of the night finished with a prayer and a beautiful sung blessing over the students.
Not missing the current moments: Year 12s who are seeking an ATAR, are now in VCE Exams. (Please help keep things quiet near the exam room during pick-up times.) Year 6s are in their final weeks of Primary and will partake in some Transition days to prepare for Year 7. Year 9s are completing a Bike Ride Challenge while raising money for Prison Fellowship as a justice cause.
Looking Forward: The VCE cohort of 2025 will (after their Years 10-11 exams) move into VCE Kickstart period including study skills, VCE Camp and classes. Our new prefects and College Captains will start their planning for 2025. After their final exams, some of our current Year 12s will celebrate their release from school life by serving on a Fiji mission trip together.
What an exciting (and sometimes exhausting) place Christway College is. God is good.
Thank you, parents, for your continued support for the school as we seek to support you in your desires to see your children “Growing in Christ, Striving for excellence, Influencing the world.”
Looking forward to the rest of the year.
Grace and Peace
Darren John
Head of College Operations