From the Executive Principal's Desk

Last week we celebrated our Year 12 students as they completed their final official day at Christway College and departed after 13 years of schooling. One of the special and unique features of our Year 12 farewell program is that we can take time to encourage each and every one of our students on a personal and individual level. A significant amount of time was given to each student at our Valedictory dinner at the Southern Golf club, and our special Year 12 Final Assembly involved every single Christway student having an individual interaction with all 25 of our Year 12 students and giving them all a gift from each year level group.
These individualised moments are something we have built as a college tradition over the last 25 years and due to the nature and size of our school, we can continue to do these programs into the future. These moments are ones that (would be impractical in a larger school and) provide opportunities for each and every student to be recognised and supported personally in their educational journey through Christway College.
These moments are not restricted to special occasions either. Many students of Christway College, young or old, are likely to speak of the care they receive and the positive relationships they experience with the staff of the College. The nature of our Christway environment is carefully curated to not only allow these positive relationships but also to actively encourage them to happen naturally throughout the day-to-day variety of activities that take place.
During their final assembly speeches last week, all our Year 12 prefects named teachers who have had a profound effect not only on their learning but also on their lives, and more importantly on their faith formation as they have grown in Christ during their years at Christway.
That every student grows in Christ is our number one priority. It is the first thing mentioned in our vision statement and it is not the first by accident.
I pray that our Year 12 students continue to grow in Christ during the new seasons that they are all entering. I also look forward to hearing stories of how they excel and influence the world in the years to come.
Grace and Peace
Damian Higgins
Executive Principal