Junior School

Public Speaking Competition

What a terrific effort all our Junior School students put in for the Weeden Heights Primary School Public Speaking Competition.


Congratulations to Prep winner Aniketh!


Congratulations to Grade 1 winner Cora!


Congratulations to Grade 2 winners Ken and Kyra!


They all did a fabulous job with each of their presentations and showed great bravery standing up in front of their friends and classmates. Excellent work, everyone!

Inquiry Learning

As we gear up towards a very exciting excursion towards the end of Term – and the year! how time flies! – students have been learning all about the influential and important places and spaces in their lives, and the lives of others. Students have investigated what exactly “special” can, and could, and does, mean and how this definition changes and transforms every day, with new and old memories, and new and old emotions. 



Maths & English

As the end of the school term, and the school year, creeps ever closer, students have been returning to the ideas and content from across the year, checking in to see how their memory has held up. 


With the wonderful changes in weather, some sessions have headed outside for a change of scenery. 


In Year 2, the Writer’s Notebook session every Friday mid-morning remains a great favourite, as students are allowed to stretch their creative minds and write about what interests them.