A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A warm welcome to our community


I hope that you all had a great day on Cup Day and took advantage of the curriculum day on Monday thus potentially creating a long weekend for your family!  Our staff were busy at school working together to analyse and moderating student assessments and being briefed on the expectations of the final student reports.  It was an extremely productive day and most beneficial for everyone.    


We are very busy at school at the moment writing school reports and preparing and planning for 2025. Thank-you to the families that did let me know about their arrangements for next year.  It was greatly appreciated and allows for no surprises which potentially could negatively impact on our school’s budget and staffing.   


Congratulations Mr and Mrs Mc Lauchlan!


Last Monday while we were working hard on the curriculum day, our PE/tutor teacher Miss Knight was married to her partner Jamie. Keira has returned this week after her honeymoon in Thailand and has had a wonderful time celebrating her marriage.  

Congratulations to both Keira and Jamie on their wedding and on behalf of all the Weeden Heights PS community, we wish you all the very best for a happy life together.  


Keira tells me she is still happy to be called Miss Knight this year but I'm sure she won't mind if you call her Mrs Mc Lauchlan!!!  


New School Fence

Our new school fence looks terrific.  Thank-you to the parents who support the school through the parent fees and contributions.  The new fence does assist in making the school safer for everyone and looks impressive. We really need to revitalise the garden now so hopefully it will be a priority at the next working bee.  New plants and mulch will be important as many of the plants have become old and woody.   


Capital Works – official opening 2 December 2024

As the capital works are in defects mode and hopefully coming to a completion soon, the Victorian Building Authority require the school to conduct an official opening of the space.  Our opening will be run on Monday 2 December at 9.30am as part of our usual assembly.  The Minister of Education will not be present however, a local politician will be there to say a few official words.  You will be welcome to attend. 


It is time to wear our Summer Uniform..... reminder

Students should now be wearing their summer uniform as our weather is beginning to change. Unfortunately I often see a few unapproved changes to our Weeden Heights PS uniform.  Please remember that students are expected to wear the approved polo t shirt with the specialised banding and the school logo.  This has been made especially for our school and we should not see plain pale blue polo shirts.


Also please remember that leggings are not to be worn under our summer girl’s school dress. The only jewellery worn at school is a watch and plain stud or sleeper earrings.  Long hair needs to be tied back and any hair attachments (hair ties, clips – no large bows) need to be in school colours which are blue, maroon or white. 


If you have any questions then I am happy to provide you with a copy of the school’s uniform policy developed by School Council in consultation with the community.  As a reminder, the following uniform is expected to be worn:

Appendix A

Please look out for the second-hand uniform shop that operates from school and they may be able to assist you in supplying some of the summer uniform. 


Introducing our New Sports Tops

We have decided to change our house tee shirts after all these years to something a lot more modern.  They’re amazing!   Our tops will ensure that we look smart when students are representing our school in sport and then they are doubled up with house colours so will be great for our local sports events.  They will be available from the shop in Ringwood soon. I am looking forward to seeing all the students in their new tops over the following year.  Preps will only have an option to purchase these tops and there will be a short transition period for the rest of the school.  More information will follow from the office soon.


Remembrance Day

Our Year 6 student leaders conducted a Remembrance Day Assembly on Monday.  Thank you Zoe, Erin and Mr Saville.  It is important that the school honours and acknowledges the day and the school will observe a minute silence together in the hall. 

Our assembly/service acknowledges the heroic people who served their countries and gave themselves to the war effort so that we could live in our amazing country, Australia.  We cannot forget our past and I am very proud that Weeden Heights honours these very important days. 


Bright Beginnings Transition and Student Handovers

We had another terrific transition session with all of the kinder students. They are starting to find their way around the school and they are meeting all of the staff along the way.  The students are settling at the school and have their final session on 13 November to prepare them for their start in 2025. Our Year 4’s will be allocated their buddies soon and will be ready to build strong relationships and connections with our new students.


All students across the whole school will go through a transition process as they move into their 2025 grades.  The sessions will run at school in week 9 and 10 and  students will meet over several sessions with their new class and potentially their new teacher.  New students joining us next year will hopefully be able to participate as well as part of the transition program. It is important for them to make a connection with one/some of our students. 


Please be reassured that teachers participate in a hand over process so that new class teachers will be prepared and will be able to challenge students along with the information you provide at the 2025 ‘getting to know you’ interviews at the beginning of the year. 


Until next time……

Kylie Campbell
