Stage 1 Information

Term 4 

Welcome back to Term 4! We are excited to see all of our students back at school and ready to learn. Term 4 is always an exciting term with a lot happening. Please check the newsletter each week to see all the events that are happening. 


There are a few reminders for this term: 


With the weather becoming hotter this term, please check that your child is dressed in the correct summer uniform each day. As it it chilly in the mornings, students may need to wear their school jacket and jumper over their uniforms. All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child's name. Students with undershirts and pants on hot days, will be asked by teachers to change in the bathrooms, so they do not overheat during the day. 


All students must have a hat at school each day. Our school recognises the need to protect student’s skin and educate them about sun safety to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Sun safe hats are part of our schools approach to sun safety. Teachers, parents and carers to the school all have a role to modelling sun safety. If students do not have a hat at recess, lunch or SISA they will be asked to play under the COLA. 


We encourage all students to bring their water bottles to school every day. This will help students stay hydrated during the warm days. There are multiple water refill spots around our school, for students to fill up their bottles if their water runs out. 


As another year draws to a close, we are continuing to build students independence and resilience. All our teachers have fostered relationships with students throughout the year. We encourage all students to speak to their teachers if they are feeling upset during the day. We often use restorative practices to help students becoming independent at resolving conflicts that might arise with their peers.  We thank you for your continued role in supporting your child's independence in managing friendships. Always reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have any concerns.