Year 9 & 10

 Mr Brad Cotterell

Mrs Gamble and Ronan
Mrs Gamble and Ronan

Kindness is contagious

St George’s is delighted to embrace Kindness Week next week! This celebration ties into World Kindness Day on November 13, an international event introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. It is a reminder of the impact small acts of kindness can have in our lives and the lives of those around us.

One example of kindness is Year 9 Ronan's regular coffee-making for staff. Ronan is often seen at lunchtime making 'real' coffees for our staff on the machine in the kitchen at Student Services - always with Mrs Gamble. Thank you both for your kindness!


This week I challenged every Year 9 and 10 student to focus on kindness in simple ways before the celebration of Kindness Week started – we always like to get ahead of the curve in Year 9 and 10!. 


Whether it was bycomplimenting someone, greeting peers with a warm “good morning,” or showing appreciation by thanking those who have helped you – each gesture makes a difference. Even tidying up a mess you didn’t make, practicing active listening, opening a door for a teacher or even allowing a teacher your space in the lift! We also need to remember that self-kindness can brighten someone’s day as feeling good makes doing good far easier!


Year 10s - with exams just around the corner, take this opportunity to support each other in class. Helping peers not only strengthens bonds but also prepares everyone to approach exams with confidence. Please take a moment to read Mrs Tagore’s message on mobile phones (in Let’s Talk Careers in this newsletter) and the impact devices have on learning and studying.


Remember, if you’re finding time management or study routines challenging, reach out to your Head of Year or Pathways teachers for guidance. Let’s use this week to strengthen our community with kindness, care, and compassion.

“If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.” – Dolly Parton

Mr Brad Cotterell

Head of Year 9 and 10