Pastoral Focus

Mr Ian Thompson

Striving to the finish line

WACE examinations are upon us and the Year 12s are in and out of school. The new student leaders are finding their feet, and the shops have started selling Christmas decorations! It feels like the end of the year is fast approaching. However, we are not there yet. There is still a lot going on at St George’s and encourage all students to strive to finish the school year well. 


Next week will celebrate Kindness Week and I know the student leadership group have big plans. 


Year 9 Camp is fast approaching. Information will be sent shortly to all families, and I ask that you reply to the Consent 2 Go as soon as it comes out to ensure that the paper work regarding camp is completed in a timely manner. I know that being away from home is a challenge for some students, and their families, but camp can be that experience you remember for years to come if you can get past that anxiety and get on the bus.

Parent event not to be missed

Coming up in Week 6 we have a very special Parent Guest Speaker event.  A world-renowned cyber safety expert is coming to St George’s. I hope to see many families there as we all navigate the world of social media and smart phones with our adolescents. 


Not a day goes by when the topic of social media isn’t discussed at home, at work, at school or on the news. For students it is a way of life. For parents it is a minefield.

This month St George’s is fortunate to offer our parents and carers the opportunity to meet and hear from  former police officer Susan McLean. Susan understands the challenges that young people, and their parents, are facing. She has a no-nonsense style of delivery, full of pragmatic up-to-date advice. I was thrilled to secure Susan’s expertise for this event and in my mind it’s a Parent Night not to be missed. 

Please make sure you secure your booking as places are limited. 

Book now for our Parent Guest Speaker event

So, it’s not Christmas yet! Still plenty to do.


Mr Ian Thompson

Head of Pastoral Care - Wellbeing