
All Saints Day
This Friday is All Saints Day. On this day we remember we remember those faith ancestors who have passed. The Church asks us not only to be inspired by the past deeds of saints, but to believe that we belong to a community of believers past and present, and those of the past are not fully past, that they are also present.
Can saints stories be your story?
The ‘communion of saints’ has two closely linked meanings. There is a communion with holy things and a communion with holy people (CCC). We are a sacramental Church where the genuine nature of created things reveals the creator, and the saints help us become more and more the image of the one who made us. For this year’s All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, let us remember our ancestors and be inspired by them.
Prayer to the saints
Oh, saints of God
Who lived, loved, died and rose as did Jesus.
Be our companions
That we may be large in thought, word and deed.
Bringing peace, joy, love and compassion
To our lives and all around us.
To God be glory in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
forever and ever.
Reference: By Stephen Nash, Learning Consultant, Religious Education, Primary, at Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).