Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons, Jana Hain / Lizzie Parmar, Eileen Thompson / Amanda Stanford

CONGRATULATIONS to our budding artists Charlotte and Charlie who won 2nd and 3rd prizes in the Ellen Jose Reconciliation Awards at the Bayside Council Reconciliation Week Ceremony. Their artwork is framed and on display in the Council Building. Thank you Ms Van Etten for supporting us.


What you can do at home to practise and revise our learning...

💡Practise the 2x, 4x, 8x tables.

💡Ask your child to read these nonsense words and explain why they would read them that way.




💡Read 2-3 sentences from a book multiple times and see if their fluency and accuracy improves. Try reading it together - it's not that easy to keep at the same pace. Remember to keep track by using your finger under the words. This is an important skill that doesn't stop after they have learnt to read.

💡Ask your child to summarise their day or what they have been reading.

💡Practise your handwriting. Keep it neat and on the line.

💡 Lots of fun Maths games to play https://www.lovemaths.me/operations-36



Throughout the term, students have been using A Rock is Lively by Dianna Hutts Aston as a mentor text to explore grammatical features and guide patterned writing. Patterned writing enables students to model their writing on a presented literary work or syntactic style. It also provides opportunities for extensions of personal writing. In the next fortnight, Level 3 students will be focussing on their editing and publishing skills. We look forward to reading some of their published works and seeing Dianna Hutts Aston's influence in their writing.  

Maths Adventure

We have been learning about strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. One that was a bit confusing but made a lot of sense when we used unifix blocks was the Double Double Double and Half Half Half strategy. This strategy is used to solve 2x, 4x and 8x tables.

Doubles was easy for the 2x tables - 3x2 = Double 3 = 6

Double Double is for the 4x tables - 3x4 = Double 3 = 6, Double 6 = 12

Double Double Double is for the 8x tables - 3x8 = Double 3 = 6, Double 6 = 12, Double 12 = 24

Then the inverse (opposite) operation is division.

6 how many 2s = half 6 = 3

12 how many 4s = half 12 = 6 and then half 6 = 3

24 how many 8s = half 24 = 12, half 12 = 6, half 6 = 3


How are our Level 3 students going to solve the world's problems?

Students have thought of a global problem (such as global warming, deforestation, and plastic waste in oceans, lakes and rivers, etc.) and are desiging creative solutions. Over the next fortnight, they will be developing a presentation that will showcase their solutions. Their ideas can be presented through a Power Point, informational poster and/or dioramma. We are looking forward to seeing their creative thinking! 


Cooking Creations

The highlight of our week was definitely cooking with Mr. Marco! We had so much fun making pizza and eating it for lunch.


The Level 3 team: Claire, Jana, Lizzie, Amanda and Eileen