Level 1: Connect

It has been a really busy fortnight for students with lots of testing being done and getting ready for reports to be finalised and sent out to parents in the final week of school. We are very proud of all of our students and their achievements this term. We hope you all enjoy the long weekend. We will see everyone back again on Wednesday!


Some reminders:


Monday is the King's birthday Public Holiday.

Tuesday is a Pupil Free Day.

We have a 'fruit' snack every day at around 10 am. If your child would like to eat at this time, could you please make sure they have some fruit, vegetable or a yoghurt. Thank you!

If you would like to help your child at home:


See if your child can explain the FLOSS rule to your family.  When a one-syllable (short word) word ends in f, l, or s, double the final f, l, or s (for example, sniff, fall, mess). We call this the floss spelling rule because the word floss follows this rule and includes the letters f, l, and s to help us remember the rule.


FLOSS words to read and write. See if you can add the -ing or -ed suffix to the end of any of these words. 



Heart Words

Students need to learn these words off by heart as they cannot be sounded out.

  1. Say the letter names, then the word.
  2. Write the letters and say the letter name whilst writing the letter.
  3. Write the word 3 times.

Heart words to practise: some, come, other, here, there, where, again, today, going


Celebrations from the past 2 weeks:


Buddy Fun! Our buddies joined us for a Heart Word Scavenger Hunt around the playground. 

We had fun creating our own number chart.

Over the next two weeks we will be concentrating on:



  • Rule review: reviewing the rule the FLOSS and the Magic e rule.
  • Phonemes - oi as in coin (in the middle of a short word) and oy as in boy (at the end of a short word). 
  • Morphology learning: We will be reviewing the -ing and -ed suffix. We will also be looking at the in- prefix. The prefix ’in-’ can mean both ‘not’ and ‘in’/’into.’ Examples are: inactive, incorrect, invisible, inject, influx.
  • Heart Words - one, once, before, after, asked.


Students have done a remarkable job showcasing their writing skills over the last fortnight during assessment tasks! We have loved reading their imaginative stories. They should be very proud of how far they've come in their writing!


Students have continued to practice the writing process - 

  • Plan - Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle (problem/solution), End
  • Write - Write using 'good quality' sentences. A good quality sentence includes a noun group (noun + adjective), a verb, and circumstance (additional detail - where, when, why).
  • Edit - Read over their writing to make it even better. Check for punctuation, spelling and meaning.


In the coming weeks, level 1 students will be focusing on data! Throughout our numeracy lessons, students will build their capacity to collect, measure and interpret data. This will begin with students understanding the importance of questioning and how this impacts the types of data collected. We will be exploring how to record the data whether it be as lists or using tally marks and also the importance of determining who the data needs to be collected from. 

Some key concepts we will cover are: 

  • The easiest way to ensure data is representative of a particular group of people is to ask everyone.
  • If everyone in a group is to be asked a question to collect data the data collection needs to include a way to ensure everyone is asked.