Specialist Happenings

Visual arts

Imogen B 5B
Harvey Ma
Imogen B 5B
Harvey Ma

Fabulous Art!

Here are some ‘groovy’ creations by Level 5 students called ‘Retro 60’s and 70’s’ which encouraged students to connect with past artistic styles. Students looked at images from the 60’s and 70’s including fashion, craft and lettering styles. Inspirations were gained from collecting family photos from these eras, recycling some original ‘Golden Hands’ craft books from the 70’s, old wallpaper books, textiles and other recycled craft pieces and gathering pictures following their interests. They created their own collage piece with a design focus on careful placement, perspective and layering. You will see these delightful artworks on display in our art show called ‘Connections’ on October 23rd.

Wonderful effort. 

Love Art!

Ms Van Etten, Art.

Harvey Me
Sara I
Harvey Me
Sara I
Maxi W
Chloe R
Maxi W
Chloe R


In Mandarin class, Foundation have been learning nature-related words such as tree (树 - shù), flower (花 - huā), grass (草 - cǎo), sun (太阳 - tàiyáng), and mountain (山 - shān). They were also practicing recognising these words in Chinese characters. As part of their learning, they participated in a fun activity where they received cut-up Chinese characters and had to rematch the parts to form the correct words. This helped reinforce their understanding of the characters and their structure.


(你们真棒! ni men zhen bang!) You are amazing!

Lao laoshi (Miss Low)


Physical Education

Junior school have been working on underarm and overarm throwing. Particular focus on foot placement, body rotation and following through. Games have included treasure island, beanbag bocce and Pokemon Go. The senior school have continued on with athletics with scissor jumps in high jump and hurdles. 


Interschool Sport

There are still a number of sports who require parent helpers in order to adhere to supervision ratios. If we do not have the correct supervision, we are unable to the leave school grounds and would have to forfeit the round. If you are able to attend, please let your child's sports coach know.  We understand this is a big ask, due to work and family commitments, so thank you on advance for your help.