Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser & Anthony Klvac 

The race to the finish! The Level 6 team would like to applaud the students' for their efforts and hardwork over the past two weeks during assessments. 



We have been continuing with Partnered Reading, it has been rewarding to see the students' collaborating respectfully and providing constructive feedback to their partner. We have seen a positive impact on students' reading and confidence reading aloud. 




We are currently diving into the novel 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio. Students are expected to continue reading up to page 100 by the start of Week 10. A copy of the eBook is available on Teams.



During mathematics sessions the students' have been focusing on Division. Students' have been reminded of the relationship that multiplication and division have, and the importance of knowing your timestables! In addtion to multiplcation and division, students have been conducting chance experiments. 


A quick game to play with students that can develop the speed of recalling multiplcation facts is using a deck of cards or UNO cards. Two cards are flipped over and the first person to say the answer wins the two cards. Alternatively, student's can work at their own pace or time themselves for a minute.  


Example of the layout
Example of the layout




Our History and Geography focus has been on Australia and the impact on the land from the British settlement, the Australian landscape and reasons for population density in particular states. Students have been working hard researching the historical and geographical features of a country that is participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics. These portfolios will be shared during the 3-way interviews that are scheduled for later in the term (more information about the interviews will be sent via Compass in the coming weeks).


Homework ~ moving forward, homework will be posted here on the Level 6: Connect. If you would like your child to complete work at home you can complete the following... 


Reading - it is important that students read most nights. 20 minutes before bed is the ideal reading routine. Students can write a short paragraph summarising what they have read. 


Maths - there are revision sheets available in the Homework folder on Teams - General/Term 2/Homework/Additional Worksheets.  Students are encouraged to complete the Problem of the Week in this newsletter, or go to the Problem Solving folder on Teams.


Interschool Sport

Only two more games left! 


Week 8 - SEPS vs Hampton

Week 10 - SEPS vs Black Rock 


There is only 1 more session of winter sports training in the morning remaining which is in Week 10. A reminder the schedule is as follows:

Coaches have also reached out for volunteers to accompany teams to and from the matches. Please contact your child's team coach or the office if you have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and are able to help out. If we are unable to get the helpers to attend, sadly SEPS will have to forfeit matches and cannot leave the school grounds.



Wishing everyone an enjoyable fortnight ahead.


The Level 6 Teaching Team