Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 

Reminder: Please ensure your children are charging their laptops at home and are leaving for school with them in their bags and at 100% charge. 


Crazy Hair Day

 "Asthma Awareness Month—a time to educate friends, family, and patients about asthma and promote awareness about how this serious, sometimes life-threatening, chronic respiratory disease can be controlled."

Our 'Crazy Hair Day' showcased the enthusiasm and creativity of the Level 5 students. It was delightful to see the effort and participation across the year level to support a worthy cause and raise awareness.


Our Level 5 students have been busy completing Reading and Writing Assessments for their Semester One Reports. We have undertaken, Narrative Writing, Speaking, Reading and comprehension assessments. Students have also continued exploring different character perspectives in 'Wonder', using subordinate clauses to improve their writing through descriptions and added details they wouldn't normally include.



This week we have continued with our work on developing financial literacy with the students. This has provided opportunities to work with all four mathematical operations to determine component costs, including GST. This will continue next week, culminating in students working on budgeting with set funds and savings plans to reach targets.



Students are getting started on their "YOU" projects, which is providing an opportunity for them to present their learning this term. We have focused on healthy lifestyles including food choices and the differences between sometimes foods and everyday foods. We also looked at some of the systems in our body and how they are affected by what we put into it. This project also encourages our students to consider our exercise and overall well-being.



This term, the Level 5 students have worked on modifying and extending our morning Check-ins. We have modified this system of recording so that their emotional states match the Zones of Regulation. These Zones are: the Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Blue Zone and Red Zone. Everyone spends time in all the zones, and we know it is okay to be in every zone throughout the day, but the best learning happens when students are in the Green Zone. Together we have started developing strategies that help us get into the Green Zone if we present in any of the others. 



Sports training continues this week. A reminder the schedule is as follows:

Coaches have also reached out for volunteers to accompany teams to and from the matches. Please contact your child's team coach or the office if you have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and can help out. If we are unable to get the helpers to attend, sadly SEPS will have to forfeit matches and cannot leave the school grounds.


Next week SEPS has a bye round and there will be no interschool sports games.