Glen Education Bentleigh East

Learning Environments that Reflect Home

By Innesa Dorevitch, Early Childhood Teacher


At our kindergarten, we believe that the learning environment plays a crucial role in stimulating, provoking, and facilitating the learning process for children aged 3-5 years old. Our philosophy focuses on creating a nurturing space where children can be their authentic selves and thrive in a home-like, calming atmosphere.

We empower children by offering choices and encouraging autonomy in their learning. Our thoughtfully designed learning areas, including sensory and messy play activities, allow children to decide what interests them most. For example, our kinetic sand table, filled with hidden treasures, invites children to explore and discover at their own pace, fostering a sense of independence and confidence in their abilities.

A sense of belonging is crucial for the children. We create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and accepted. Our cosy reading corner with soft cushions and family photo frames helps children connect their home life with their kindergarten experience. 

Encouraging Curiosity and Creativity

Our environment is designed to spark curiosity and promote creative thinking. Open-ended materials like clay, combined with natural resources collected during walks to the local park, allow children to experiment, take risks, and solve problems creatively. Our muddy car wash station not only provides a fun, messy play experience but also stimulates imaginative play and social interaction. Using native plants and flowers in homemade playdough further connects children to nature and sparks their senses.

Understanding that children learn in various ways, we offer multi-modal play opportunities that cater to different learning styles. From music and movement sessions to tactile sensory areas, our environment supports holistic development and ensures that every child finds joy in learning. Importantly, we let children drive the environment and follow their interests, emphasising that our kindergarten is their space first and foremost, and recognizing that play is their work—a work we take very seriously.


At Glen Bentleigh East Kindergarten, we strive to create a loving, stimulating environment where every child feels at home, ready to explore, learn, and grow.