Glen Education Sundowner

Inviting Curiosity

By Glen Sundowner Educational Team


The physical environment is often referred to as the “third teacher”, (after parents and educators) due to its importance in early learning. 


At Glen Sundowner Kindergarten we pride ourselves in having an environment that is welcoming, warm, safe as well as stimulating. Right from the Sign-in desk to the reading nook, to the block area as well as the room set-up, it is welcoming and cozy, with plants, cushions, soft toys, throws and more, that reflect a home environment to help children get a sense of comfort and warmth. Our enabling environment offers children security, comfort, engagement and opportunity. 

There are many experiences that reflect the kindergarten program and the on-going learning within the kindergarten. There are multiple free play choices – such as the construction baskets area, sets ups for art and craft, the block corner. Children benefit from the opportunity to choose their own learning and enquiries through play because our  environment embraces free flow and choice as children move between activities and experiences, including indoor to outdoor. The room has various play areas - Small spaces that allow for quiet, small group play and individual play as well as large, open spaces encourage large muscle movement, loud play, music and movement. Our block corner is thoughtfully set up in an area where it is possible for children to leave their creations and return to them, undisturbed, where they can continue their creative thought processes. 

We encourage multi-modal play through having resources that are easily accessible to the children – there are tactile materials for sensory exploration, music and movement activities for kinesthetic learning, and opportunities for dramatic play and storytelling, which support children's diverse learning styles and preferences, allowing them to learn and express themselves.  By incorporating hands-on STEM activities, sensory exploration, and open-ended art materials we encourage children to engage in divergent thinking and explore their creativity while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  

The kindergarten room décor is a reflection of the values and beliefs of the community. The room represents diverse cultures and backgrounds and encourages children to appreciate and celebrate diversity, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect among students. Artistic displays of the children’s creations in the kinder environment, acknowledges the efforts and learning of the children, along with giving them a sense of pride in their work and a feeling of belonging. 

The outdoors has natural elements such as sand, water, and plants, which entices the children to explore, experiment, and interact with their surroundings. They can engage in risky play like climbing trees or balancing on logs, which fosters resilience, confidence, and problem-solving skills. Thus providing opportunities for curiosity, risk-taking, creative Thinking, and problem-solving.

The physical environment in Glen Sundowner kindergarten is far more than just a backdrop for learning - it is a dynamic and influential component of our program, planning and day-to-day experiences. It supports the holistic development of our children through exploration, social interaction, physical activity, and cultural appreciation.