Glen Education Orrong Road

Creating a Holistic Learning Environment at Kindergarten

By Glen Orrong Road, Educational Team


We aim to create a holistic learning environment for children’s self-agency, social, emotional, and physical development at Glen Orrong Rd Kindergarten. The following key elements are considered to be crucial when it comes to setting up our indoor and outdoor environment:


Incorporating Diverse Experiences

We offer a range of experiences that cater for different individuals’ learning styles and levels. For example, puzzles with different levels of complexity and challenge provided.    

Art and Open Ended Resources

Water paint, drawing and craft table with natural and man-made resources for children’s creativity, imagination, and development of fine-motor skills.

Open-ended resources, such as, loose parts, provide children with endless learning opportunities in terms of problem-solving skills, social interactions, basic mathematical concepts etc. 




A variety of construction play is provided on a daily basis, through which, children get to develop their fine-motor skills, cooperative skills, social interactions, problem-solving skills etc. 


Taking Time to Recharge

Creating a safe, supportive and comfortable environment where children are able to relax, manage their emotions and building relationships with their peers.  

Both rooms have a relaxing spot where children can enjoy quiet activities, such as reading books, lying down with their stuffed toys, on their own or with their friends, which we find very effective for children who go through negative emotions at times. 


Life Skills

Connecting children’s real-life experiences with kindergarten experiences.

For example, Home corner is turned into a coffee shop based on children’s real-life experience with their families of going to the café and ordering food there. At kindergarten café, children get to develop their language and communicative skills, literacy skills (by taking and writing each other’s orders on the clipboard), and basic numeracy skills (counting fake coins) etc. 

Since our kindergarten is located at a very busy neighbourhood where a lot of construction is going on all the time, our children have always enjoyed engaging in construction play with toy trucks, diggers, and wooden blocks. 


Providing a range of outdoor experiences by utilizing the sizes of both yards efficiently. 

Since term 2, we’ve decided to leave the middle gates open for children to explore both the front and back yards. In this way, children are able to build maximum sense of belonging and ownership at kindergarten. 

Integrating and promoting sensory and messy play throughout the year

At Glen Orrong Rd Kindergarten, we hold the belief that the richness of our children’s learning and development is reflected in the environment. It is also a place where children are provided with life-long learning opportunities motivates the whole education team to run a high-quality program.