Glen Education McKinnon

Exploring Community Connections Beyond Glen McKinnon Kindergarten 

By Glen McKinnon Educational Team 


At Glen McKinnon, our learning environment extends beyond the service and extends out into the local community.

One of our key service goals is to support children to connect with the community. While some children find excitement in experiencing the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life around them, others may feel a little apprehensive. To ensure all children feel comfortable when we venture outside the service, we took proactive steps.


First, we invited the 'Starting out Safely, Thingle Toodle' educational session, to Glen McKinnon. This session was attended by children, parents, and educators alike. Its purpose was to emphasize the importance of safety while out in the community and raise awareness about our surroundings. Armed with this knowledge, children were better prepared for their real-world experiences.

Back in the kindergarten environment, children put their learning into practice. Whether inside or outside, they engaged in activities like riding trikes, creating neighbourhoods with blocks, playing with road signs, wooden people, and constructing roads for toy cars and trains. During mat time, relevant stories were shared, and songs were sung, reinforcing the safety lessons learned.

Our weekly outings are a collaborative effort. Each morning, once all the children have arrived, educators discuss the proposed outing. Where will we go? What will we learn? 

This term, we visited McKinnon train station to delve into the world of train transportation.

Children’s natural interest in vehicles and transportation often leads them to spend hours playing with cars and trains. 

By studying real trains at the station, they can build upon their existing knowledge and expand their understanding. This first-hand experience not only makes learning engaging but also empowers children to apply their knowledge in practical contexts, fostering a sense of agency.


Interacting with transportation staff and travellers further enhances their understanding of community roles and responsibilities. As they observe the station’s operations, they gain insights into how larger transportation systems work. This exposure supports their cognitive development and sense of competence.

Understanding train transportation equips children with valuable skills and knowledge. It empowers them to make choices and decisions that influence events in their world. By nurturing their agency, we prepare them for active participation in their community.

When children engage with the community, it’s a reciprocal exchange of joy; their smiles, waves and greetings not only brighten the day of onlookers and workers but also enrich the children’s social experience and connection to their local environment.