From the Leadership Team

Dear families,
Winter is well and truly here. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the colder weather, in our school uniform. We are starting to notice jackets and clothing that is casual wear and not our Modbury school colours. Don't forget to take advantage of our winter beanies to keep ears and heads warm. You can order these via our Qkr.
Pupil Free Day
On Friday 7th June, staff particpated in learning about LEAP Levelling (Learning English: Achievement and Proficiency). The LEAP tool staff were learning about describes the development of Standard Australian English (SAE) that is required to meet the increasing demands of the Australian Curriculum across the years of schooling from Reception to Year 10. This development of SAE invloves:
- knowledge about the English language and how it works to make meaning
- knowledge about how to use language appropriately and effectively in varied contexts
Staff worked really hard in learning about using LEAP as an assessment, monitoring and reporting document to inform our teaching and planning.
SAPOL Police Beats Band
On Tuesday 11th June, the SAPOL Police Beats Band visited our school and we had a great morning listening to them play in their ensemble. During the performance, the Police Team were able to share some key safety messages with our students. The key messages were:
- Police are our friends and can help us
- We can ring 000 in an emergency only
- We must wear a helmet every time we ride a bike or a scooter
- We must wear a seatbelt when we ride in a vehicle
- When we cross a road, we need to stop, look, listen, think and to hold a grownups hand to cross the road
Student Illness
As we enter the winter season, we would like to remind you of the importance of maintaining a healthy school environment. With the prevalence of colds, flu, and other illnesses, it is crucial that we work together to minimise the spread of infections. If your child is feeling unwell, eg. displaying flu/cold like symptoms, we kindly request that you keep them home until they have fully recovered. This not only helps in their own recovery but also prevents the potential transmission of illnesses to other students and staff members. We appreciate your cooperation.
Preschool International Day of Play
The first every Preschool International Day of Play was celebrated on Tuesday 11th June in our Preschool. Miss Rose and Alanna had lots of fun with our preschool children who all joined the call for a world where every child’s right to play is respected as part of International Day of Play (IDOP).
The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to formally create the annual day to call attention to the need to ensure every child’s right to play is respected, protected and fulfilled, so they thrive and reach their potential.
Through play, children engage with the people, places and objects around them to build an understanding of their world. Positive attitudes towards learning, such as persistence, curiosity and imagination, are all developed during play, setting children up for a lifelong love of learning.
MSP Photography
Did your child miss out on their photograph being taken this week?
MSP do a mop up day in week 1 of the school holidays, at their studio in Norwood. Bookings are essential and must be made by calling MSP on 8132 1148. MSP are also able to take sibling photos on this day.
If you have any questions please call or email MSP directly:
Open Afternoon
We look forward to seeing you this Monday for an Open Afternoon. Please join us at 2.30-3.00pm for an opportunity to visit your child's classroom and enjoy reading a book with them or playing a game.
Liz Allen - Retirement Farewell Assembly
We welcome our Modbury Community to join us in a farewell assembly on Monday in the last week of this term to celebrate the retirement of our Business Manager - Liz Allen.
Warm regards,
Sara, Ali and Sheila.
Leadership Team