Opening Doors - 

Learning Languages


Greetings JPII Family! 


Mandarin Chinese is not only one of the most spoken languages in the world but also a key to unlocking a treasure trove of cultural history and modern innovation. At JPII, we believe in nurturing this global perspective, offering our students a unique lens through which to view the world. There’s a quote that says “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”, written by Frank Smith. I particularly like this quote because I experienced it firsthand. I had the opportunity to explore multiple languages since kindergarten, and I am very grateful that 

I did. 


So far this year, we have looked into Lunar New Year, papercutting, numbers, telling the time, greetings, farewell, gratitude, colours, etc. I still have a lot planned for the remainder of the year. I have crafted my lessons on daily used vocabulary, songs, games, and hands-on activities. Beyond the language, we also explore cultural activities and traditional festivals. 


On the side, some students are preparing for the upcoming Chinese Speech Competition, where they need to learn a rhyme or poem, memorise and recite it. These students have put a lot of effort into practising at their own time. I would like to acknowledge their courage and perseverance. All the best!