Grades 5 & 6 


Science - Change Detectives

Huon and Sassafras have started a Science Unit this term called Change Detectives

We started the unit with a Mess Investigation. Students came into class and there were 6 experiments on the table. The students had to complete a table. They had to write down what they could see, what they think had happened and decide whether it could be changed back. 


We have discussed the three states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. We conducted an investigation on how to melt an ice cube the quickest. Firstly, we all placed an ice cube in our mouth and timed how long it took for it to melt and graphed the results. Some people took less than a minute and others took over 5 minutes! We then went into small groups and discussed two other ways to melt an ice cube and then conducted their experiments. Some people put their ice cube in hot water, others added salt to their ice cube, some put theirs under the heat pump, some threw theirs back and forth between people, some put theirs in a microwave and some put them in the sun (one group added a magnifying glass). Each group timed their experiments. Next we will discuss what was the best way to melt it. 


We look forward to doing more experiments such as making elephant toothpaste and making own own sherbert later in the term. 


Mess Investigation by Adnan


Mess Investigation by Ava


Ice Graphs by Davi and Kyle




Mrs Collinson & Miss Green

Grade 5/6 Teachers