Acting Principal's 


with Mrs Lauren Hall

Welcome to Term 2!


We finally got Mr Gill into a Oodie!
We finally got Mr Gill into a Oodie!

What a BIG few weeks it has been for our School Community.  Sadly we said farewell to our beloved Mr Gill as he ventures on to a new role as Principal at MacKillop College for the rest of 2024.  We wish him all the very best for the remainder of the year and look forward to welcoming him back in 2025.  We did send him off in style with his favourite dress-up day….Oodie day and yes we FINALLY got Mr Gill into a Oodie!


Ms Davies and I would like to thank the school community and staff for their well wishes as we endeavour to fill some big shoes in Mr Gill’s absence.  


Grade 5/6 Camp

Yesterday our Grade 5/6 students headed off to camp at Spring Beach.  There were some very excited campers at school bright and early ready for their departure at 9 am.  We look forward to hearing all about their camp antics when they return.  A big thank you to all the staff attending camp and for all their work in preparing what will be an amazing few days for our students.


Cross Country

Unfortunately, the weather was against us for our school Cross Country.  After two attempts the rain won out and we decided to run our events during the PE classes this week.  Grade 5/6 will run their race next week when they return from Camp.



Our new Library is up and running and the school community is thoroughly enjoying this brand new space.  A huge thank you to Mrs Jaeger and Mrs Meaghan for all their work in setting up the Library and making it such a welcoming place to be.  The Library space is open to parents and students after school until 3.15 pm on Monday-Thursday.


Induction of new School Captains

On Monday morning we inducted our new School Captains who will represent our school for Term 2.

Congratulations to Jason Ford-Fitzpatrick, Hollie Coates and Adnan Saifullah


Farewell Letter from Mr Gill

If you missed Mr Gill’s farewell letter please see below.


Lauren Hall