Years F-6 Coordinator

Bailey Kemp 

F-6 Key Dates


Mon10thKing’s Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
Mon-Fri17-21stYr 5-6 Urban Camp

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 2

5/6 Urban Camp

With Urban Camp fast approaching, please make sure all permission notes are returned and Payments have been made to Di at the office. All attending students have been sent home with an information pack today. Please have a look through and familiarise yourself with this information. This will help prepare the students and yourself for the upcoming camp. If you have any further questions, please make contact via the office. 

Reading Night Awards

Yr 1/2 :

50 Nights: Hazel A 

75 Nights: Sophie S

100 Nights: Oliver L 


Yr 3 & 4: 

25 Nights: Delilah H 


Yr 5 & 6: 

50 Nights: Marely M 

75 Nights: Thomas J 

Star of The Week 

Yr 1 & 2: Peggy A, for always being ready for learning. 

Year 3 & 4:  Cody J, for her hard work in Maths. 

Year 5 & 6: Lilymae M, for always being ready to learn and being respectful of all classmates. 

SWPBS Certificate 

Congratulations to Eve M for showing the value of respect in the setting of the canteen, using her inside voice and manners. Well Done Eve!