School Information

School Staff

Principal – Brad Hunt 

Deputy Principal – Dan Williams

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction – Charmaine Endacott

Head of Administration and Organisation – Amy Hobbs

Head of Wellbeing – Dylan Smith

Head of Cultural Education - Jo Sherrin 

Junior School Wellbeing Coordinator – Christie Oxley

Middle School Wellbeing Coordinator – Sasha Riordan

Senior School Wellbeing Coordinator – Jason Auld

Learning and Support Teachers – Sandra Free, Maureen Locke

Teacher Librarian – Rebecca Tobler

Careers Advisor – Greg Wood

Head of Senior School – Greg Wood

Head of Middle School – Sam Brown

Head of Junior School – Thomas McLean


Junior School Staff

Kindergarten Rubies – Georgia Patterson

1 Sapphires – Lauren Cotter

2 Emeralds – Jo Sherrin

3 Pearls – Christie Oxley

4 Diamonds – Annabelle Green


Middle and Senior School Staff

Amy Hobbs - Mathematics

Carl Yeomans - Mathematics

Steph Looker – Science

Sam Brown – PDHPE       

Tony Dawson – Visual Arts

Craig Merrick – Technology 

Risa Matsui – Music       

Jason Auld – History/English

Bronwen Riley – Japanese

Sasha Riordan – English  

Jodie Taylor – Hospitality             

Louise Upjohn – Agriculture 

Katie Hunt & Natasha Gregory – Humanities 


School Administration and Support Staff

School Administration Manager – Karen Acton

School Administration Officers – Barbara Holmes, Suzanne Garrahy, Karen Steward, Ashleigh Ayre, Roni-Ann Kitchener

Aboriginal Education Officer – Dixie Skuthorpe

Student Support Officer – Michelle Koina

Farm and General Assistant – Steven Kliendienst

Canteen Manager – Larni Burr

School Learning Support Officers – Chelsea Cooper, Lorraine Walkinshaw, Emily Garrahy, Nora Beard, Kiah Mollar, Jane Grennan, Brooke Maynard, Rachael Griffiths, Juanita Burnes, Megan Rees, Robert Kelly

School Times

Lessons commence 9.00am - Middle and Senior School

Lessons commence 9.15am - Junior School

Recess 11.00am – 11.25am

Lunch 1.25pm – 2.15pm

Lessons finish 3.15pm

School Bus Information

Town School bus departs 3.25 pm - 3.30 pm - Edwards Coaches 026772 3116

Kingstown bus 1 departs 3.25pm - 3.30pm - John Carlon 0427 293 685

Kingstown bus 2 connects with bus 1 - Brian Wisemantle 0458 789 159 

Kentucky bus departs 3.15pm - 3.20pm - Paul Byrne 0428 275 563

Bendemeer bus departs 3.15pm - 3.20pm - Doug Jackson 0408 478 215

Rocky River bus departs 3.15pm - 3.30pm - Oxley Explorer 

Malcolm McPherson 0427 692 265

Whole School Assembly

Our next whole school assembly will be held on Tuesday 25 June at 12.30pm in the school hall.  All are welcome to attend.