Senior School News

Year 10

Year Ten Examinations 

With Semester One examinations on the horizon, the next two weeks are an important time for our Year Ten students. Data obtained through this process will help inform subject selection decisions. We keep students in our prayers and hope that they have used their time wisely in advance of these assessments. 


Whilst the exams will help with post Year Ten decision-making, it is important to remember that intelligence is relative to the task that is being worked on. Nearly illiterate with a hammer, I am reminded of this fact every time I come home from Bunnings to blunder my way through a DIY project. To that end, the powerful words of Albert Einstein come to mind: 

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, 

it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 


In week 9, Year Ten students needing to meet minimum Reading, Writing or Numeracy benchmarks will need to sit OLNA. It has been pleasing to note that some students have been eagerly accessing online exercises through their OLNA Support accounts.  

Parents should be aware that a student’s OLNA standing does directly impact some subject selection processes. To that end, it is important that students do regularly practice in advance of week 9. 

Save the Dates 

Parents are asked to make note of the following important Term Three dates: 

Thursday July 18 – 2025 Year 11 Subject Selection Evening 

Tuesday July 23 – Year 7-10 Parent Teacher Student Meetings. 

Year Ten Retreat 

On Thursday and Friday of next week, all Year Ten students will experience their retreat. This is a well-timed event which is centered around the theme of Vocation. Given the very busy nature of modern society, opportunities to unplug are rare. We look forward to a couple of ‘tech-free’ days which enhance students’ capacity to reflect and contemplate. In advance, we thank Mrs Furfaro for her leadership of this event and we look forward to providing a detailed account in our Week 9 newsletter. 


Quote of the Week - for our Year 10 students

My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. 

Procrastination is the thief of time.

~ Charles Dickens


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)