Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

We are officially past the halfway mark of the term, and it's a good time for us all to reflect on the activities and experiences that have been provided for the students and consider plans for the remainder of the term.


Winter brings its own set of joys and challenges, especially when it comes to outdoor play in the Early Years. Muddy play during this time can be particularly fun but also requires some extra planning and preparation.


Here are some ways we are embracing muddy/outdoor play during the winter months at Salvado Catholic College:


Wearing appropriate clothes:

We ensure all children are dressed in waterproof and warm clothing. This includes waterproof jackets, pants, and gumboots. If these items have been requested by your child’s teacher, please ensure you provide what is necessary for your child to take part in these learning experiences.

Choosing the right location:

At Salvado Catholic College, we are blessed with purpose-built play areas for our Early Years classes (Kindy and PrePrimary). These areas have an abundance of natural elements that are safe for the students to explore.


Setting up safety rules and encouraging sensory exploration:

We teach the students about the importance of staying safe while playing in the mud/water areas. We teach about respecting boundaries and washing hands after play. During outdoor play, we encourage students to squish, squeeze, and explore the texture of the mud/wet sand with their hands. This can stimulate their senses and promote creativity.


Please see below a video from the Raising Children website about Playing outside in all types of weather. This is a short video and I encourage all families to watch and learn about the importance of outdoor play.

Wishing all our families a restful break over the long weekend. I hope you all find some great opportunities to embrace the weather and get involved with your child in some outdoor fun.


Kind Regards, 

Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindy to Year 2)