Student News

Charming Clara



Clara Lewis (Year 2) participated in the Star Struck Dance Challenge and received an Honorary Mention in the 8/U category! She was also asked to return, and was awarded teh Junior Rising Star Award! The judge said she was a "little firecracker" 🧨 


What an amazing achievement, Clara! 




Two Proud Australians - Welcome! ♥️

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that two of our own Year 10 students, Sean Mulligan and Kassiana Selou, have been granted Australian citizenship.

Sean has recently been granted dual citizenship in both Australia and New Zealand. This remarkable achievement opens a world of opportunities and connections for Sean, who can now proudly call both countries home. Sean and his family worked diligently to ensure that all necessary steps were taken, and Sean proudly pledged with his father Sean Senior. Inspired by his mother Terongo and sister Shannon, their family’s dedication paid off, and Sean now enjoys the privileges and responsibilities that come with being a citizen of both Australia and New Zealand.


“A big step for me,” Sean shared. As he ponders what his academic future will hold, he is focussed at the minute on passing his upcoming Semester One examinations and choosing subjects for Year 11. Sean is academically talented and has previously won numerous academic awards as he looks forward to attending Curtin University in the future.


“I feel honoured and grateful to be a citizen in Australia,” Kassiana shared. “I am very happy to be Australian.” Kassiana who was born in Papua New Guinea is very proud to be Australian. She felt “a bit nervous making the pledge” and her sister Chirlyann who will attend Salvado next year in Year 7 also made citizenship on the same evening. Kassiana was encouraged on the evening by her mother Gima and extended families who offered their love and support. Kassiana is also studying hard for her upcoming examinations and is motivated toward further education and perhaps a future career in the Australian mineral resource sector.


We congratulate Kassiana and Sean on this momentous accomplishment and wish them all the best as they navigate the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Their story is a beautiful reminder of the strength and richness that comes from embracing our diverse backgrounds and building bridges between cultures.


~ Mrs Christy Thomas

Do you have news that you would like to share with us?

A student achievement that happened outside of school?

Send us an email:


Remember to include as much information as possible as well as:

- the student's first name and last name 

- year group. 

All photos should be in the highest resolution possible and sent as attachments.


We look forward to hearing from you!