Student Wellbeing

Hello everyone! 

I hope you are all well as we move toward the latter end of the term. 


When researching topics for this edition of our e-newsletter, I found I was drawn to the importance of ourselves, as adults, being the best role models for our children.


As a parent, we are our children’s first teachers, and our actions often say much more than our words. If we live our lives in a way that reflects our values and what is important to us, then what we say and what we do align.


It is important to think about ways we can be a positive role model for our children. For example, we can practice our actions around the college by following simple expectations, as to how we speak to each other, crossing at the crosswalk, ensuring we are parking our car in the correct areas. Not only is this showing our young people the importance of following rules, but it is also allowing our children to witness that, as adults, we also have respect for the rules. Something we all need to adhere to in everyday society. 


Role modelling works in relation to virtually everything, from how we handle emotions such as frustrations and anger to how we respect and relate to others. Sometimes we may not like what we hear, but it is how we react to these moments that will be witnessed by those around us, including our children who are the future of our planet.


Grab a coffee and enjoy the link below.


Until next time 😊


Mrs Kerry Browne

Student Wellbeing Coordinator