Year 3 & 4 

Around our level

Ever noticed your child lost in a book? There's something special happening there! It's not just about reading the words; it's about making connections. 


When your child connects with a book, it's like they're stepping into another world, one where they see themselves or their experiences reflected. Maybe they find a character who faces challenges like they do or learns lessons that feel familiar. These connections make the story come alive for them.

But it's not just about feeling a connection; it's about thinking, too. As they read, they're not just absorbing words; they're thinking about what it all means. They might ask questions, make guesses, or share thoughts with you. This helps them grow smarter and more curious about the world.


When your child connects with a book, they're not alone. They're joining a community of readers, both in the classroom and beyond. Sharing their thoughts with friends opens up new ideas and perspectives, making reading even more fun and exciting.


So, next time you see your child lost in a book, know that they're not just reading—they're making connections. Together, we’re unlocking a world of possibilities, one page at a time!

Trinity - I have made a connection with this book because Mr Funny made new friends.

Ethan - This book remanded me of when I showed a comic book with the class and they thought it was good. 


Victoria - I had a connection with this book because I went on a camping trip to Bonnie Doon. It was so much fun because I think me and my family went mountain climbing, I was really scared but I got half way to the top.

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


34A - Mrs Macrae 

Jamie G

In recognition of your focus and determination towards your learning tasks this week.


34B - Mrs Pagliaro

Will L

For working hard to understand our multiplication strategies.


34C - Mr Smith & Mrs Tonna

Finn S

For writing an excellent persuasive speech. 


Xander H

For hard work and looking after a friend.

Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna
Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna